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Minutes 2nd September 2015



The Meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday 2nd September 2015 at 7.00 p.m.



Councillor M Beuttell Councillor D Price Councillor I Turner
Councillor J Wright Parish Clerk W Gray


  • Councillors were in attendance from 7.00 pm
  • 4 members of the public and Rebecca Avery from Police & Crime Commissioners Office were also present


Business Discussed

1 Opening of meeting – Cllr Beuttell welcomed everyone to the meeting
2 Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absence – Cllrs R Cawood and M Bradshaw
3 Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda – None
4 Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council.  Time limited to 10 minutes:Sign into Wansford – when rebuilt no WANSFORD sign put back.  Parish Clerk to contact HDC.


Lights Bridge End – still not working – Parish Clerk to chase.


Flooding – update received from Les Middleton to say that Highways England are scheduled to clear the drains.  Copy to be sent to MM to keep him advised of situation.

5 Rebecca Avery, Police Commissioners Office: Rebecca introduced herself and gave an insight into the role she carries out. Since January appointed by Sir Graham Bright to look after outreach areas.  SGB arrive in office December 2012, managing Police Budget responsibility of setting council tax precepts etc.  Setting policing strategy idea behind them add democratic element to the Government ie voice of the public.  Her role is to assist his role working with volunteer groups, parish councils.  SGB isn’t able to interfere how police work, can look at trends and make recommendations.  More about saving money than spending look at 5% cut in next year, look at ways we can move on, need to prioritise things which harm general public and support general community.  Working with different areas 101 and policing team how we work together and making things better.
6 Minutes of Previous Meetings: Minutes of 1st July 2015 were approved and signed.
6.1 Matters arising from above minutes: None
7 Financial Accounts
7.1 Accounts @ 31st August 2015 after payments below taken out:Community Account – £22,858.18

Business Saver Account – £18,176.80

8 To Authorise the Following Orders for Payment: all undermentioned invoices were approved for payment.
8.1 Wendy Gray (clerk’s salary) – July/August 2015 – £433.32
8.2 Wendy Gray (clerk’s expenses) – £96.78
8.3 D Knibbs – Litter pick July/August 2015 – £240.00
8.4 A Flatters – Emptying and Disposal of contents of Dog Bins etc – £130.00
9 Planning Application(s):15/01374/HHFUL – First floor extension over existing garage.  Garage conversion at ground floor level at Squirrel Corner, 17A Old Great North Road, Stibbington PE8 6LN – Cllr Beuttell to visit site.


15/01071/NMA – External and Internal alterations:-  Fenestration alterations.  Materials selected to reflect the schemes constructed on the surrounding site.  Revisions to internal layout with no increase to the gross external footprint of the properties.  Changes to existing ground levels to reflect those approved for Plot 3 and to the existing ground levels at Waters Edge – it was proposed that the Parish Council write to Planning to suggest problems with sewerage is sorted before any further plans are submitted re our email sent to Nigel Swaby on 18th August re letter of complaint from resident to which we have had no response ie “The sewage smell we get in our house due to the Water’s Edge development is still an issue and our neighbour two doors down has the same problem. The system in Waters Edge is ineffective and as far as I can tell not fit for purpose.  Could the PC contact the planning Dpt at Hunts DC  planning and ask them to explain how this has happened, how it is permitted to go on and how come more houses are being built which will only add to the problem. As there is an obvious health issue with sewage methane gas coming into our house and the potential of sewage getting into the river.  Anglian Water are aware of the situation and are trying to manage it  but their hands are tied until they can adopt the sewage system down there. Even when they have done this unless a fundamental change is made to the system the problem will not be rectified.Anglian Water have fitted a valve into our drain which seems to be working but this a patch on a bigger issue.”  This was raised at a previous Parish Council Meeting but we were advised that Anglian Water were looking into initially and the resident would come back to us if problem persisted.  The resident is now asking for our help – any advice on way forward please.

10 Fireworks – Haycock Hotel:  Cllr Beuttell will visit and speak with management.
11 Correspondence from residents:Email from resident re farmer spreading human waste on their land.  Cllr had spoken with farmer and will now speak with resident.  Perhaps an item could go into Living Villages Magazine.


Sibson airfield – change in flight path.

12 General Correspondence: Letter from HDC outlining which areas they and the Parish Council are responsible for maintaining the grass verges in the village.


PCSO Barry Chamberlain has now retired.

13 Questions from Councillors:White lines are due to be done asap.
14 Reports: None.
15 Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 4th November 2015 commencing at 7.00 p.m.

The meeting closed at 8 p.m.

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