Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday 1st March 2017 commencing at 7 p.m.
Councillor M Beuttell | Councillor M Bradshaw | Councillor H Facer |
Councillor I Turner | Councillor J Wright | Parish Clerk W Gray |
Councillor M Riddington |
- Councillors were in attendance from 7.00 pm
- 3 members of the public were also present
Business Discussed
1 | Opening of meeting – Cllr Beuttell welcomed everyone to the meeting |
2 | Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absence – Cllr D Price, District Cllr R Mathews, County Cllr M MacGuire |
3 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda – None. |
4 | Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes:
Minutes of last meeting not published in Living Villages – issue since resolved Parish Clerk did not have correct email address.
Water Drain outside No. 22 has still not been cleaned out and every time it rains the water just “puddles” on the top and runs down the street – Parish Clerk to contact Anglian Water and advise them of problems. |
5 | Minutes of Previous Meeting: Minutes of 11th January 2017 were approved and signed. |
5.1 | Matters arising from above minutes:
Signage – Parish Clerk to contact highways agreeing sign acceptable and to establish when all signs will be erected.
Bus Shelter Rood has been repaired.
BT Kiosks to be repainted in the Spring i.e. April/May (better weather).
Flooding – information forwarded to Charles Simpson (Shailesh Vara’s Manager) requesting his help in resolving the problem. Cllr Beuttell to forward photos of the problem. |
6 | Financial Accounts |
6.1 | Accounts @ 28th February 2017 after payments below taken out:
Community Account – £17,858.50 Business Saver Account – £18,186.05 |
7 | To Authorise the Following Orders for Payment: all undermentioned invoices were approved for payment. |
7.1 | Wendy Gray (clerk’s salary) – January/February 2017 – £466.66 |
7.2 | Wendy Gray – Parish Clerk expenses – £65.10 |
7.3 | D Knibbs – Litter pick February/March 2017 plus emptying Dog Bins – £360.00 |
7.4 | D Knibbs – Bus Shelter Roof Repair – £120.00 |
7.5 | CCC – Electricity Supply 1st October 2015 to 30th September 2016 – £889.02 |
8 | Defibrillator(s):
It was agreed to look into the purchase of 2 machines to be housed in the Telephone Kiosks (one each end of the village and also accessible from the A1). Cllr Beuttell received quotes, will seek advice on which model would be the best one. |
9 | Street Lighting Maintenance Contract:
Contract signed for 3 years £495.23 plus VAT. |
10 | Planning Applications:
Planning Application Marina – Parish Clerk to chase for answers. Cars now parking on verge all way up to cafeteria! |
11 | Correspondence from residents:
Thank you letter from Church Warden re contribution from Parish Council towards upkeep of the Church Yard.
Sibson Aerodrome – Flying late at night (Saturday and Sundays, what are they bringing in!) residents had contacted Cllr Turner and Cllr Beuttell, it was agreed that if the problem continues the resident(s) should contact the Police.
Residents next No. 5 Church Lane cannot get their car out of drive; they have been in touch with Planning Enforcement Officer and have requested support from the Parish Council re this problem. The Parish Council offer their full support, the Parish Clerk will write to resident. |
12 | Traffic Calming and Parking:
Parish Clerk forwarded letter from Wansford Parish Council who have approached PCC re feasibility of 20 mph signage in the village, as a result PCC have said they will approach their colleagues in CCC to see if they have any similar proposal to introduce a similar speed limit in the southern parish (i.e. Sibson-cum-Stibbington).
Cllr Beuttell with speak with Cllr MacGuire re Traffic Calming and Parking Issues and possible signage being placed 2 off the bridge and 2 in the village.
It was reported that cycling clubs do not appear to let anyone one know when they have some events locally which means they pass through small villages, creates problems. |
13 | General Correspondence:
None. |
14 | Questions from Councillors:
Hutchins Yard – what is going on there – Cllr Beuttell will contact Nigel Swaby (Planning).
Christie Hall Meeting – lot of talk about the roof. British Legion may be folding in Sibson-cum-Stibbington which may have an impact on Christie Hall, although lease has been renewed until 2026! Christie Hall Lottery – this is the last year that it is being done.
Break-ins – it was reported that a house had been broken into at around 1 pm today – concern that not enough police presence, no officers were attending meetings etc. Cllr Facer will contact Police Commissioner with our concerns.
Pot Holes – A1, Wansford to Stibbington Diner – Parish Clerk to contact Highways England and report.
15. | Reports:
Cllr Beuttell reported that she had met up with HDC Environment Officer following reports from our Community Cleaner about the volume of human waste being left on verges both sides of the road leading to Nene Valley Railway.
The Parish Council have written to Stibbington Diner to alert them to the problem being caused by “Truckers”.
It was felt that we should write a further (strong) letter to Stibbington Diner advising that HDC Health Officer had made a visit and also contact our local PCSO to alert the police to the problem.
Cllr Bradshaw also reported that waste is being thrown over into the hedgerow of his land adjacent to this area.
16. | Date of Next Meeting:
Wednesday 3rd May 2017 commencing at 7 p.m. Annual Parish Meeting, AGM and General Parish Council Meeting.
Cllr Beuttell thanked everyone for attending.
The meeting closed at 7.50 p.m. |