Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday 2nd March 2016 at 7.00 p.m.
Councillor M Beuttell | Councillor D Price | |
Councillor I Turner | Councillor J Wright | Parish Clerk W Gray |
- Councillors were in attendance from 7.00 pm
- 4 members of the public was also present
Business Discussed
1 | Opening of meeting – Cllr Beuttell welcomed everyone to the meeting |
2 | Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absence – District Cllr Rita Mathews. |
3 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda – None |
4 | Co-Option of Councillor: HDC advised that we could now co-opt. It was unanimously agreed that resident Helen Facer be co-opted on to the Parish Council with immediate effect. Parish Clerk will arrange for paperwork to be completed. |
5 | Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes:
A1 max speed sign 50 mph no end date to it (just before mermaid slip road) – could we request this is removed.
New Lane, sign on its face on slip road just before going down onto the A1. Could we request this is removed.
Resident emailed a couple of observations to chairman as he was not able to attend meeting, chairman duly responded and updated resident prior to meeting. Light outside Christie Hall not working – to be reported. |
6 | Minutes of Previous Meetings: Minutes of 6th January 2016 were approved and signed. |
6.1 | Matters arising from above minutes:
Dog Bin – letter to be sent to resident advising that bin will be removed. |
7 | Financial Accounts |
7.1 | Accounts @ 29th February 2016 after payments below taken out:
Community Account – £17,925.44 Business Saver Account – £18,176.80 |
8 | To Authorise the Following Orders for Payment: all undermentioned invoices were approved for payment. |
8.1 | Wendy Gray (clerk’s salary) – January/February 2016 – £433.32 |
8.2 | D Knibbs – Litter pick February/March 2016 – £240.00 |
8.3 | A Flatters – Emptying and Disposal of contents of Dog Bins etc – £120.00 |
8.4 | Wendy Gray – Parish Clerk expenses |
8.5 | Cambridgeshire County Council – Street Light Energy |
8.6 | Glasdon – Bin Bags (cheque no. 100737) raised 5.2.2016 |
9 | Defibrillator: Parish Clerk will forward information received from Castor re next step to Cllr Beuttell. |
10 | Dog Foul Bin: Dealt with under item 6.1. |
11 | Planning Applications:
16/00261/LBC – 1 Elton Road, Wansford. The building is to be renovated with no extensions or structural alterations. The ground floor bathroom is to be moved to bedroom 3 on the first floor. All other internal work is refurbishing and updating the property – no objections raised.
15/02014/FUL – comments to East Northants. Who owns the quarry. Wansford Parish Council are due to respond – Stibbington would like to respond along same lines. Parish Clerk to sent copy of Wansford Parish Council’s draft response to Cllr Beuttell.
16/00288/HHFUL – Construct first floor dorner to rear elevation, rebuild single storey extension to rear with pitched roof. Alterations as shown on drawings and scope of work at 36 and 38 London Road, Wansford – no objections raised.
12 | Correspondence from residents:
Chairman advised by resident that we are not now able to pick up parcels from the Post Office – must go into town. Chairman has written a letter to Royal Mail but has now been advised that we must write to the Post Office. |
13 | General Correspondence:
HDC – Clean For the Queen – further correspondence to be sent to Cllr Turner on receipt. HDC Litter Bins – copy of correspondence to be sent to Cllr Beuttell. |
14 | Questions from Councillors:
No response to our letter re dogs running out onto road. Copy of letter to be sent to Cllr Beuttell.
Drains – still a major issue – letter and photos to be forwarded to our MP Shaleish Vara. |
15 | Reports: None |
16 | Date of Next Meeting: Annual Parish Meeting followed by AGM on Wednesday 4th May 2016 commencing at 7.00 p.m.
The meeting closed at 7.31 p.m. |