Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday 6th January 2016 at 7.00 p.m.
Councillor M Beuttell | Councillor M Bradshaw | Councillor D Price |
Councillor I Turner | Councillor J Wright | Parish Clerk W Gray |
- Councillors were in attendance from 7.00 pm
- 5 members of the public was also present
Business Discussed
1 | Opening of meeting – Cllr Beuttell welcomed everyone to the meeting |
2 | Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absence – District Cllr Rita Mathews. |
3 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda – None |
4 | Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes:
Flooding all areas onto the A1, flooding by the cafe, drain repaired couple of weeks ago. Letter to be sent to Cllr MacGuire, CCC requesting that something is done as soon as possible as the problem has existed for over 12 months, copy of letter to all Cllrs, consider writing to our MP.
Light still out on Barnaby House – PC2. Cllr Beuttell will contact BB again. |
5 | Minutes of Previous Meetings: Minutes of 4th November 2015 were approved and signed. |
5.1 | Matters arising from above minutes: |
6 | Financial Accounts |
6.1 | Accounts @ 31st December 2015 after payments below taken out:
Community Account – £19,724.60 Business Saver Account – £18,176.80 |
7 | To Authorise the Following Orders for Payment: all undermentioned invoices were approved for payment. |
7.1 | Wendy Gray (clerk’s salary) – November/December 2015 – £433.32 |
7.2 | Wendy Gray (clerk’s expenses) – £94.39 |
7.3 | A Flatters – Emptying and Disposal of contents of Dog Bins etc – £120.00 |
7.4 | D Knibbs – Litter pick November/December 2015 and January 2016 – £360.00 |
7.5 | Stibbington Church – Donation – £600.00 |
8 | Dog Bins:
Issue with dog bin sited near the bridge, continually being filled with general rubbish causing overflowing. It was agreed we would contact Les Middleton for a plan of area with a view to obtaining a general waste bin to be sited alongside the Dog Bin. For the time being our cleaner will continue to empty every two weeks and we will contact him as and when there is a need. |
9 | Planning Application(s): No new planning applications received. |
10 | Correspondence from residents: None. |
11 | General Correspondence:
Signage from A1 past Stibbington Centre – 3 signs requested – Parish Clerk to chase.
Name Plate for entrance bollard – sign has been requested from highways, Parish Clerk to chase. |
12 | Questions from Councillors:
Complaint re dog running out onto road, barking and frightening people. Letter to be sent to resident asking for dog to be kept under control. Cllr Turner will advise clerk who to write to.
Several vehicles have been parking in between bollards on entrance to Chapel Walk, have been approached and asked to move their vehicles. |
13 | Reports: Resignation received from Cllr Cawood who is moving out of the area. Chairman has written a note of thanks for his contribution whilst on the Parish Council. Parish Clerk will notify HDC to set the wheels in motion for advertising the vacant position. |
14 | Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 2nd March 2016 commencing at 7.00 p.m.
The meeting closed at 7.25 p.m. |