Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council was held at the Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday 7th March 2018 at 7 p.m. for the purpose of transacting the business detailed below.
Councillor M Beuttell Councillor M Bradshaw Councillor H Facer
Councillor D Price Councillor M Riddington Parish Clerk W Gray
• 4 members of the public were also present.
Business Discussed
1 Opening of meeting – Cllr Beuttell welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2 Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absence – Parish Cllr I Turner.
3 Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda – None.
4 Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes:
Cllr Beuttell asked to stand as a District Councillor – would like to feel would get support from residents at election.
5 Minutes of Previous Meeting: Minutes of 7th March 2018 were approved and signed.
5.1 Matters arising from above minutes:
Blocked Drain outside no. 22 Elton Road – Anglian Water attended site and reported initially to Peterborough City Council – on checking for update by Parish Clerk error noted wrong council – AW have now reported to Cambridgeshire County Council.
Potholes on slip road leading onto A1 (by Haycock) – not Highways England, reported to Highways Cambridgeshire County Council.
Flooding slip road – Highways Cambridgeshire County Council advised this comes under Highways England.
Rat infestation – causing an issue at Cafe, Cafe have been advised, highways looked at gulley by Hutchinson’s yard.
Yellow Lines (by Cafe) near flyover – Cllr Beuttell will speak with Andi Caddie to obtain further advice, information.
6 To authorise the Following Orders for Payment:
6.2 Christie Hall Rent (Fairhurst Estates) – £1302.79
6.3 Wendy Gray (clerk’s salary January/February) – £513.32
6.4 Wendy Gray (clerks expenses) – £60.00
6.5 D Knibbs – Litter pick/Dog Bins – £330.00
6.6 Excitant – Website Maint – £360.00
7 Stibbington Church – consideration of donation towards tree removal: Cllrs agreed to assist with payment towards cost of removal of fallen tree – £1000 agreed.
8 Defibrillator(s):
Cllr Beuttell will order – once date agreed Parish Clerk will arrange for books etc to be removed from both kiosks – these will be returned one all works associated with installing defibrillators has been completed.
9 Planning Applications:
18/00401/HHFUL – Rear two storey extension to existing dwelling to form additional living accommodation at Leys House, Elton Road, Sibson – have concerns as not “incongruous” not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings.
18/00402/FUL – One detached dwelling (revised application 16/01320/FUL address was previously No. 10) Building East of 10 Waters Edge, Wansford- concern re Otters, Cllr Beuttell will forward information to Nigel Swaby, Planning.
10 Correspondence from residents: None.
11 Traffic Calming and Parking: Ongoing.
12 General Correspondence:
Peterborough City Council draft Supplementary Documents – copy to be forwarded to all Cllrs.
Peterborough City Council, A47 Peterborough, Junction 15-16 survey works
Huntingdon District Council – Operations Division Satisfaction Survey 17/18
Huntingdon District Council – Changes to the Councils Scheme of Delegation
A1 Junction 17 – Upcoming works news release
Anglian Water – Stop tap Replacements work 1st to 5th March 2018
Broadband – information from Cllr S Bywater – please see below:
Dear Parish Councillors and residents,
We know many of you have been experiencing problems with connectivity and have been asking how to get clear information about current coverage and future plans for both broadband and mobile in this area.
To explore some of the issues affecting residents in parishes in North Huntingdonshire, your County and District Councillors Simon Bywater and Tim Alban have arranged a Broadband Information Evening on Wednesday 21 March, from 7pm to 8.30pm, to be held in the hall at Stilton Primary School, Church Street, Stilton.
This is an opportunity to find out about current and planned broadband coverage for the parishes of Alwalton, Chesterton, Conington, Denton & Caldecote, Elton, Folksworth & Washingley, Glatton, Haddon, Holme, Morborne, Sawtry, Sibson-cum-Stibbington, Stilton, Denton & Caldecote and Water Newton.
It will also be useful to highlight where there is poor mobile coverage in these areas, which we can feedback to mobile operators.
Representatives from the Connecting Cambridgeshire Programme, led by Cambridgeshire County Council, and BT Openreach, who are rolling out superfast broadband across the county, will be on hand to discuss broadband coverage for these areas and explain the challenges involved in connecting rural communities.
Places are limited and we want to ensure that all parishes are represented, so please confirm if you wish to attend by emailing tim.alban@huntingdonshire.gov.uk or Simon.Bywater@cambridgeshire.gov.uk with your name, parish and area of concern.
13 Questions from Councillors: None.
14 Reports: None.
15 Date of Next Meeting:
Wednesday 16th May 2018 commencing at 7 p.m.
The meeting closed at 7.35 p.m.