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Vice Chairman: Michael Bradshaw

Michael Bradshaw

Castle Acre, New Lane, Stibbington PE8 6LW


Home 01780 782621
Mobile 07711 874833

1 thought on “Vice Chairman: Michael Bradshaw”

  1. Mr & Mrs F Howard

    Dear Michael,
    Do you know what are the restrictions, if any, on the flight patterns of aircraft from Sibson aerodrome?
    I understood they were not meant to fly over our village but they do so on a regular basis. Yesterday Saturday 15th August every 15 or 20 minutes without fail, an aircraft flew directly over property – the parachute jumping plane is the main culprit. I did call the airfield a few weeks ago and was told it was due to an inexperienced pilot who was under training that day! We have lived in our property in Church lane for 18 years and each year the noise pollution from this activity has become intollerable. Please can you investigate and advise.
    Many thanks
    Francis & Lesley Howard

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