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Minutes 12th September 2012



The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 12th September 2012.



Councillor M Beuttell Councillor N Cook Councillor I Turner
Wendy Gray, Parish Clerk    


  • Councillors were in attendance from7.30pm
  • 2 members of the public were present



Business Discussed


Opening of meeting:  Cllr Beuttell welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absence – Cllr M Bradshaw, Cllr P Styles, Cllr D Wright (Cllr Beuttell had received Cllr Wright’s resignation which was accepted due to his moving away)


Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda – None


Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council.  Time limited to 10 minutes –

Walking round to Haycock, trees overhanging pathway quite a lot.  It was agreed Parish Clerk would write to Haycock and ask if these can be trimmed back.


HDC white lines, a reminder will be sent to HDC.


Minutes of Previous Meetings:

Approval of Minutes of Meeting 4th July 2012 – all in agreement that minutes were signed.


The Parish Council are looking at replacing the light on Elton Road.


Financial Accounts:


Accounts @31st August 2012:

Community Account  – £9447.44

Business Reserve Account – £18,149.66


To Authorise the Following Orders for Payment:


Wendy Gray (clerk’s salary) net of tax:

July 2012 £136.64

August 2012 £170.80 – payments approved


Inland Revenue (Tax for the clerk deducted from Clerk’s salary) for July/August 2012:

£76.86 – payment approved


Stationery/Postage/Use of Computer:

£49.29  –  payment approved


MooreStephens, External Audit 2011/2012:

£203.40 – payment approved


ZurichInsurance – Renewal – £365.95 – payment approved


Planning: No new planning applications received.


Planning application for the Builders Yard at rear of 24 Elton Road, Wansford re change of use from builders yard and the erection of a detached single storey dwelling has gone to appeal.


Website:  Mr Phil Jones came along to show the Parish Council the new Website that has been built and explained what functions it has built into it.  The Parish Clerk has undergone training and will be updating the website over the next few weeks to ensure all Agenda’s and Minutes items of interest are accessible.  The Parish Council extended their thanks to Mr Jones for producing a very professional looking website.



Correspondence from residents: Walnut Tree at 2 London Road, Parish Clerk to write letter to resident to enquire if anything will be done. The concerns raised are, that it is very overgrown and could cause a great deal of damage should it either fall or lose some branches, to property and surrounding properties.  We understand from Hunts DC that permission has been given to have this tree “lopped”.


General Correspondence: speeding through the village, suggestion of 2 further flashing speed signs are installed this side of the village and this side of the river bridge.  Subject to Cllrs approval Cllr Beuttell with contact Cllr MacGuire to see if anything can be done.  All Cllrs in agreement for this to be carried forward.


Mr David Wright has resigned as a Parish Councillor due to his impending move to London.  There are now two vacancies on the Parish Council.  Anyone who is interested please contact the Parish Clerk on 01778 341496 or via email



Questions from Councillors: None.


The meeting closed at 8.00 p.m.



PCSO’s report – No crimes to report.


Date of next meeting:

Wednesday 7th November 2012


Apologies from Cllr Cook who will not be available for next meeting.

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