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Minutes 17th April 2013



The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 17th April 2013.



Councillor M Beuttell

Councillor P Styles


Councillor D Price

Councillor N Cook

Councillor I Turner



Wendy Gray, Parish Clerk


Mr E Clover Mr M Duggan


  • Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm
  • 3 members of the public were present



Business Discussed


Opening of meeting:  Cllr Beuttell welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absence – Cllrs M Bradshaw and J Wright


Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda – None



1300384FUL – Creation of new marina, excavation of new marina basin, creation of 123 river berths, construction of new amenity block, change of use of wet dock building, change of use of existing agricultural buildings to provide workshops facilities and chandlery.  Provision of winter storage for boats and new access at Land North East of 31 Great North Road, Stibbington:


A brief presentation and explanation of the plans was given by Mr Glover acting on behalf of the client – Mr P Duggan.  The applicants have had meetings with the Environment Agency who seem happy with the proposed plans and meetings are still ongoing with Highways.


It will initially take 12 months to dig out the marina which will mean 17 loads of soil/gravel (20 tonnes in weight) will be excavated each day and moved off site (Monday to Friday).  8,000 cubic metres to be moved in total.  There are no plans to build a restaurant on site.


The marina will create 8 – 10 new jobs.


Concern expressed by Councillors of number of parking areas (is what is proposed enough) and with the movement of soil/gravel state of roads etc.  Drivers taking wrong route.  It was explained that the policy is two moorings/1 parking space so it was felt there would be sufficient parking.


A contractor will be in charge who will oversee the extraction.  The contractor will be responsible for ensuring drivers use and take the right route that has been agreed, this route to be the road passing Stibbington Diner only and not directly on to the A1 and that the roads are cleaned – they have a system whereby all wheels will be cleaned before they leave site.


If any issues arise regarding access etc.  the Contractor will be responsible.


Cllr Beuttell thanked Mr Glover and Mr Duggan who then left the meeting.


The Parish Councillors then considered the application.


It was felt that the application had been put together in a professional manner.


The Parish Council were minded to approve the application but with the following provisos which they felt must be adhered to:


a)      Wear and tear on the road – if they damage the road it must be repaired immediately.


b)     Cleaning of the road – they ensure and undertake that the road is kept clean.


c)      Route from Site – it is ensured and undertaken that all drivers leave the site by the correct route agreed by highways, and that this should be monitored by the contractor.



Date of Next Meeting: Annual Parish Meeting and Annual General Meeting on

Wednesday 8th May 2013

The meeting closed at 8.10 p.m.


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