The Meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 5th March 2014.
Councillor M Beuttell | Councillor R Cawood | Councillor J Wright |
Councillor M Bradshaw | Councillor I Turner | |
Councillor D Price | Wendy Gray, Parish Clerk |
- Councillors were in attendance from 7.30 pm (Cllr Wright sent apologies would be arriving late)
- 8 members of the public were also present
Business Discussed
1 | Opening of meeting – Cllr Beuttell welcomed everyone and declared the meeting open.Cllr Beuttell welcomed Rita Matthews Conservative representative who was standing at next election. |
2 | Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absence – |
3 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda – None |
4 | Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes – None |
5 | Minutes of Previous Meeting: Minutes of 15th January 2014 were approved and signed. |
5.1 | Matters arising from above minutes:Lights re junction on bridge
Slip road off New Lane nr Cafe still flooding |
6 | Financial Accounts |
6.1 | Accounts @ 28th February 2014:Community Account – £9,756.00
Business Saver Account – £18,160.00 |
7 | To Authorise the Following Orders for Payment: all undermentioned invoices were approved for payment. |
7.1 | Wendy Gray (clerk’s salary) – January/February 2014 – £433.32 |
7.2 | Wendy Gray (clerk’s expenses) – £84.70 |
7.3 | A Flatters – Emptying and Disposal of contents of Dog Bins – £60.00 |
7.4 | Christie Hall – £910.00 |
7.5 | Sibson Church – £600.00 |
7.6 | Cambridgeshire County Council (project) – £233.24 |
8 | Bollards outside Chapel Court: Cllr Beuttell reported since last meeting had had several meetings with PCSO re parking issues. The PCSO will be following up with individuals concerned.
Unfortunately the bollards were badly designed. Cllr McGuire and his team are now looking at installing metal posts (samples shown to residents). Number of posts will be increased from 10 to 12. HDC want to protect pathway through the village.
It is disappointing to note that the people that have damaged the bollards have cost taxpayers money. |
9 | Sibson Airfield: Several residents expressed their concern about what appears to be a change in dropping zone for parachutists – dropping in field near horses, near power cables, using private access road etc.
Tannoy used all the time – when telephoned asking to turn down they do.
The business has grown over the last few years.
Cllr Beuttell will speak with Cllr Cook and write to Sibson Airfield with concerns. |
10 | Payments made since last meeting: None |
11 | Planning Applications received and commented on since last meeting: None |
12 | Planning Application (New):1301936FUL/1301937LBC – Conversion and refurbishment/restoration of the former workshop building that previously formed part of the Paper Mill, to a guest house with music room/relaxation area at Stibbington House, 38 Elton Road, Wansford PE8 6JS –
Plans had been circulated to all councillors – no objections raised. |
13 | Correspondence from residents: None |
14 | General Correspondence: None |
15 | Questions from Councillors:Cllr Bradshaw had attended AGM of Christie Hall. Accounts look healthy.
Cllr Turner raised issue re Wansford Parish Council were looking at recruiting someone to litter pick in the village, keeping village tidy. Parish Clerk will keep council advised of outcome.
Residents of Old North Road are very pleased with wall now it has been repaired. |
16 | Reports: None |
17 | Date of Next Meeting: Annual Parish MeetingWednesday 7th May 2014
The meeting closed at 8.00 p.m. |