The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 6th March 2013.
Councillor M Beuttell
Councillor P Styles
Councillor M Bradshaw
Councillor N Cook |
Councillor I Turner
Councillor J Wright
Wendy Gray, Parish Clerk
Anita Hollinshead | Ian Parkin |
- Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm
- 5 members of the public were present
Business Discussed
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Opening of meeting: Cllr Beuttell welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
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Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absence – Cllr D Price |
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Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda – None |
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Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes – congratulations from resident for getting street light fixed. |
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Presentation “Sacrewell Watermill Restoration” Project : Anita Hollinshead a freelance museum consultant and a member of the project team commissioned by the William Scott Abbott Trust is preparing an Activity Plan to support a stage 2 application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for the Sacrewell Watermill Restoration Project. The project team is led by Ian Parkin of Parkin Heritage and Tourism and the deadline for completing the Activity Plan is the end of April. Sacrewell Watermill is part of a nationally significant Grade II* listed mill complex, which also includes a mill house and old bakery and one of the few remaining fully functioning water mills. This project will restore the buildings in the mill complex to their former glory and create a centre of excellence for watermill based training. The project will raise awareness of the significance of the mill both locally and nationally, whilst ensuring that it continues to have a pivotal role within the local community. The project will encourage schoolchildren and other visitors to discover the past, present and future of farming practices and how the heritage of the mill relates to agriculture, environmental sustainability, food production and farming. Further research will be undertaken into the history of the building and the stories of the people who lived and worked there. These stories will be brought to life through an imaginative new interpretation scheme for the mill. The Activity Plan is a significant element of the Stage 2 Heritage Lottery Fund application and will include all the elements of the project that are not capital (building) works. The Activity Plan must be developed through extensive consultations with the local community, key agencies, organisations, attractions and relevant businesses. It is very important to establish what people think of the Watermill as it is today; about the proposed plans for the future and what improvements and activities they would like to see on site. It was agreed that if requested the Parish Council would write a letter to accompany the grant. |
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Minutes of Previous Meetings: Approval of Minutes of Meeting 16th January 2013 – all in agreement that minutes were signed. |
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Matters arising from above minutes: Cllr Styles made request that under “Matters Arising” items outstanding are added to Agenda’s in future.
Traffic lights – Cllr Beuttell reported that had spoken with highways and that the Parish Council would be paying for the lights and requested lights are ordered.
Cllr Styles – attended meeting of Friends of Stibbington Church – object of the exercise to bring the community to the church and vice versa. Proposing working party to clean up etc. Fete planned for 23rd June, principle purpose of the committee is to raise money to help fund the church. Will be purchasing new mower and strimmer for the churchyard. Look at specific projects to help with their fund raising. Parish Clerk to liaise with Charlotte Bradshaw re publishing details on website.
Green (sand) bins – Cllr Beuttell reported these will be removed and they will be replaced with larger bins. Cllr Styles asked where would they be stored and suggested “Christie Hall”. Cllr Beuttell awaiting measurements of new bins and we can then look at possibilities of where they can be stored. |
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Financial Accounts: |
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Accounts @ 28th February 2013: Community Account – £10,566.53 Business Reserve Account – £18,149.66 Above figures represent balances after undermentioned deductions |
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To Authorise the Following Orders for Payment: |
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Wendy Gray (clerk’s salary) net of tax: January 2013 £136.64 February 2013 £136.64 Payments approved |
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Stationery/Postage/Use of Computer: £59.54 Payment approved |
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Balfour Beatty – New streetlight – £1,575.62 Payment approved |
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Living Villages Contribution – £120.00 Payment approved |
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Stibbington Church Contribution – £600.00 Payment approved (It was agreed that the contribution would remain at £600 for the future) |
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Planning: No new applications received. Planning Application that went to appeal has been turned down and HDC have been awarded costs. It was reported that Environment Agency were carrying out some work by Nene Valley Railway – is anyone aware of any plans! |
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Dog Fouling Bins:
Cllr Beuttell reported that HDC will no longer empty these bins – blue sacks have been provided for contents of these bins to be emptied into and placed alongside household bins on day of collection. Consideration to be made to arrange for someone to empty these bins. Parish Clerk to make enquiries. |
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Lorries Turning into Roman Drive: Over the last two weeks it has been reported that 2 Eddie Stobart Lorries have turned off the A1 into Stibbington presumably headed towards Stibbington Diner but have ended up in the village. Parish Clerk to write to Stobarts advising and requesting that all drivers are asked to use alternative route i.e. second turning! |
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Correspondence from residents: Parking along London Road and Elton Road –two letters have been received from residents expressing their concern with regard to parking issues. There are 10 businesses between the Bridge and Chapel Court. Cllr Beuttell suggested that perhaps the Parish Council look in the possibility of parking bays (Cllr Beuttell will bring papers and plans that were drawn up some time ago to next meeting). It was also suggested that we write to highways to seek assistance. Agenda item for next meeting.
Cllr Beuttell also reported that she would be attending meeting on 18th March to apply for funding to have some bollards put around corner near Chapel Court.
Resident reported that at 5 Church Lane – building works have commenced – enforcement officer aware and will be keeping the Parish Council advised. |
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General Correspondence: None |
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Questions from Councillors: Cllr Bradshaw – attended annual meeting at Christie Hall and copy of their accounts forwarded to Parish Council. Christie Hall now has a Clothes Bank and advised that the Parish Council should be receiving monies for this. Parish Clerk to raise with HDC.
Cllr Bradshaw – reported that appeal for Gypsy Site had been turned down.
Cllr Turner – reported that when we have a lot of rain it floods in New Lane – Parish Clerk to contact HDC re drains in this area.
Cllr Turner – reported litter problem near Stibbington Diner, the Diner is now being managed by John Cracknell for the time being, Parish Clerk to contact him and also HDC to see if they can arrange for rubbish to be collected up.
Street Lights – the two new street lights that have been installed are a lot brighter than the existing, request to be made to change bulbs or it may well be that the brackets have to be changed. Parish Clerk to contact contractor.
Cllr Turner: reported that the WI enjoyed Cllr Beuttell’s talk at their last meeting. |
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Reports: No report received from PCSO although it was noted there had been some burglaries carried out – Parish Clerk to write to PCSO asking him to keep us advised on what is going on and to attend next PC meeting. |
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Date of Next Meetings: Annual Parish Meeting followed by Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 8th May 2013
The meeting closed at 8.30 p.m. |