Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council was held at the Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday 7th February 2018 at 7 p.m. for the purpose of transacting the business detailed below.
Councillor M Beuttell Councillor J Wright Councillor H Facer
Councillor D Price Councillor M Riddington Councillor I Turner
Councillor M Bradshaw Parish Clerk W Gray
• County Cllr S Bywater and 5 members of the public were also present.
Business Discussed
1 Opening of meeting – Cllr Beuttell welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2 Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absence – District Cllr R Mathews.
3 Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda – None.
4 Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes:
Drain still blocked outside no. 22 Elton Road.
Potholes on slip road leading onto A1 (by Haycock.
Parish Clerk will report to relevant departments.
Wi-fi – new residents struggling with speeds (very slow) – Parish Council advised them to contact BT as they appear to have better package (speed).
5 Minutes of Previous Meeting: Minutes of 6th November 2017 were approved and signed.
5.1 Matters arising from above minutes:
6 Financial Accounts
7 To Authorise the Following Orders for Payment: all undermentioned invoices were approved for payment.
7.1 Wendy Gray (clerk’s salary and Expenses) – £561.24
7.2 D Knibbs – Litter pick/Dog Bins £566.60
7.3 D Knibbs – Grasscutting Elton Road – £130.00
7.4 Fairhurst Estates CH Rent 25.3.16 to 24.3.17 – £1,302.79 (previous cheque 100800 cancelled (not received)
8.1 Stibbington Church donation – the Parish Council raised the donation last year to £750.00. Tree came down in Churchyard, PCC felt was dangerous so arranged for works to be done to make safe. Rather a large bill, requested a further donation from PC. Cllr Beuttell will contact company to see if a reduction could be obtained and report back to PCC and the Parish Council. It was agreed cheque would be sent for this year’s donation of £750.00. Agenda item for next meeting to discuss and consider any further donations re the tree.
9 Defibrillator(s):
Note put in Living Villages requesting removal of books etc – nothing has happened. Further request to be made with indication that some books can be returned once defibrillators have been fitted and establish what space is available.
10 Planning Applications:
New application – 18/00207/HHFUL – proposed single storey rear extension, internal alterations and adaptions to accommodate the needs of a disabled individual. Associated external works to create level access into the dwelling and the construction of a detached double garage at Valley View, 87A Elton Road, Stibbington PE8 6JX – no objections raised.
Hutchinson’s Yard – email update received from all parties involved – letter read out to all in attendance at meeting.
Land at back of cottages on Elton Road – residents concerned about the works going on – despite questions being asked of owner by Councillors requesting what is going on no feedback has been given. It was agreed that a formal request would be made by letter asking questions and response.
11 Correspondence from residents: None.
12 Traffic Calming and Parking: Ongoing.
13 General Correspondence:
HDC – Guidance regarding open fires and wood burning stoves.
Planning Inspectorate re Highways England.
Highways England – Maintenance and Improvement Programme.
14 Questions from Councillors: None.
15 Reports:
To resolve parking issue of lorries along road to Nene Valley Railway could we request Double Yellow Lines all way along the road, who do we put in request to? – Highways
Bins for waste (help to resolve rat issue) – contact Highways.
Write to Stibbington Diner advising what planning to do.
Flooding issue around the bridge – why do highways just not repair? Cllr Beuttell will ask question.
16 Date of Next Meeting:
Wednesday 7th March 2018 commencing at 7 p.m.
The meeting closed at 7.40 p.m.