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Parish Council Annual Meeting Minutes 13th April 2011

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 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting 13th April 2011 (Click here to download as a Word document)

The meeting of the Annual Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 13th April 2011 at7.30pm.



Councillor P Gatheral Councillor P Styles  
Councillor N Cook

Councillor M Beuttell

Councillor I Turner

Mrs W Gray (Clerk)



  • Councillors were in attendance from7.30pm
  • 3 members of the public were present


The Chairman, Cllr Gatheral opened the meeting, at7.30pm.


Business Discussed

1 Apologies for Absence – Cllr M Bradshaw – holiday


2 Report from the Chair of Parish Council – The Chairman gave a report of the activities of the parish council over the last year which included the following:

  • Planning Applications
  • Finance
  • Councillors’ responsibilities
  • Quality Council Status
  • Parish Plan
  • Speeding
  • Thanks to Stibbington Centre
  • Thanks to the clerk and members of the council


A copy of this report can be obtained from the clerk.


3 The Draft accounts: for 2010/2011 were circulated to councillors but were not totally complete as we are still awaiting final bank statements.  Bank accounts look healthy.  Accounts should be finalised for approval at next meeting.


4 Questions: None


5 Any Other Matters: No matters arising.


6 Conclusion of Annual Parish Meeting: Cllr Gatheral closed by thanking everyone for attending the Annual Parish Meeting.


Cllr Beuttell thanked Cllr Gatheral for his contribution to Sibson-cum-Stibbington Parish Council over the last few years.



            The meeting closed at7.40 p.m.


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