Minutes 11th January 2012 (Click here to download as a Word Document)
The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 11th January 2012 at7.30pm.
Councillor M Beuttell | Councillor D Wright | Councillor I Turner |
Councillor M MacGuire | Councillor N Guyatt | Wendy Gray, Parish Clerk |
- Councillors were in attendance from7.30pm
- 4 members of the public were present
- 2 PCSO’s were also in attendance
Business Discussed
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Opening of Meeting: The Chairman, Cllr Beuttell declared the meeting open at 7.30pm. |
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Apologies for Absence: to receive and accept apologies for absence – Cllr P Styles who was ill, Cllr M Bradshaw, Cllr N Cook who was on holiday.
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Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted: to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda – None.
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Public Forum: to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes – Enforcement notices – do we still get.
White Lines – Cllr Beuttell has been in contact with highways and has been assured that this matter will be resolved.
Parish Clerk to get new fixings for BT noticeboards so that it is easier to display minutes etc.
Two new signs have appeared on Elton Road. |
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PCSO Barry Chamberlain – Highway Issues: PCSO Barry Chamberlain was contacted after last meeting to obtain information with regards to looking at changing the speed limit through the village to 20 mph if possible. Barry produced a government legislation document which will be circulated to all councillors to peruse. It does appear initially that we would not get approval to change to 20 mph and if it was possible it would be very costly. Parish Council to review at next meeting.
PCSO Barry Chamberlain was also asked about our concerns with regards to heavy vehicles crossing the bridge. This jurisdiction lies with Peterborough City Council and it was agreed that the clerk would contact Wansford Parish Council to see if an agreed agenda item could be made so that both councils can discuss the problem.
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Minutes of Previous Meetings: Approval of Minutes of Meeting 7th November 2011 – the minutes were agreed as correct.
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Review of Actions – any necessary actions included as separate items on this agenda – report received from Cllr Cook re Sibson airfield flight path and parachutists.
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To Authorise the Following Orders for payment: |
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Wendy Gray (Clerk’s salary): £341.60 |
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Expenses (Clerk): £78.60 |
7.3 |
Tax payment (Clerk) £153.72 |
7.4 |
Wansford Parish Council – Training reimbursement costs £66.81 |
All the above were approved for payment. |
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Street Lighting: Cllr Beuttell has supplied photographs to Balfour Beatty of where old light used to be and the request for the new light just by the Christie Hall is to be placed.
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Vacancy for Parish Councillor: As no applications were received it was agreed that we would again advertise the vacancy for a councillor in the usual places i.e. notice boards, village magazine as this was the proper way to do things.
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Planning Applications: |
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1102025FUL – single storey rear extension, portico and alterations to front of 109 Elton Road, StibbingtonPE8 6JX– no objections raised.
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1102049FUL – extension to kitchen at rear of 29 Old Great North Road, StibbingtonPE8 6LR– no objections raised.
10.3 |
1102110FUL – proposed garage and store at Mont House, Great North Road, Stibbington, PE8 6LR– this is a revised application – previous application went to appeal and was refused. Application to be reviewed against previous application.
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Footpath – Wansford/Stibbington – Erection of Gate and Fence: The Parish Council has completed application to make footpath a public right of way. The property to our knowledge has been sold, we are waiting for the person who has bought it to get planning application for fence. Single canoeists can walk down the pathway.
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Website: – progressing well – it is hoped website will be up and running by next PC meeting.
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Correspondence/Questions from residents: None
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General Correspondence: None
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Questions from Councillors: – Cllr Turner asked Cllrs MacGuire and Guyatt who has the authority to change road signs on verges without prior notification to Parish Council etc. Cllr MacGuire confirmed that if the signs are on the Highways from Cambridgeshire County Council can change without prior notification to anyone. Cllr Turner confirmed that the signs that had been added/replaced looked good.
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Reports: – Report received and circulated from PCSO Barry Chamberlain.
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Date of Next Meeting: – Wednesday 7th March 2012 The meeting closed at8 p.m. |