April 2006
The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday 19th April March 2006 at 6.45pm.
Councillor R Winfrey (Chair) | Councillor J White | Councillor J Bradshaw(From item 32.1.1) |
Councillor P Gatheral | Councillor S German | |
Councillor J Weed | Councillor J Storey | Mrs S Mulley, Clerk |
Councillors were in attendance from 6.35pm
There were two members of the public present.
The Chairman, Cllr Winfrey opened the meeting, at 6.45pm.
Business Discussed
22 | Apologies for AbsenceThere were no apologies. | ||
23 | Approve Minutes of Meeting 7th March 2006Cllr German proposed and Cllr White seconded that these were a true and accurate record. Passed. | ||
24 | Review Actions from Meeting 7th March 2006 (Information Only)All actions instigated. Clerk yet to hear from CCC re: Updated list of Street Lights & will chase. | ||
25 | Approve Minutes of 28th March 2006Cllr German proposed and Cllr White seconded that these were a true and accurate record. Passed. | ||
26 | Review Actions from Meetings 28th March 2006 (Information Only)See item 34.3. | ||
27 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be TransactedNone. | ||
28 | Business Expressly Required by StatuteNone. | ||
29.1 | FinanceAccounts @ 31st March 2006 | ||
Community Account | Premium Account | ||
£393.47# |
£2,789.84 |
#There is one un-presented cheque for £34.68 payable to the Inland Revenue. | |||
30 | To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Winfrey): | ||
30.1 | Mrs S Mulley (Clerk’s Salary for April 2006 £239.03 less £52.58 tax )
£186.45 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972 Chq No:100413 | |
30.2 | Mrs S Mulley (Office Expenses)
£199.28 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972 Chq No:100418 | |
30.3 | Mrs S Mulley (Travel Expenses)
£7.40 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972 Chq No:100415 | |
30.4 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk)
£52.58 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972 Chq No:100416 | |
30.5 | CALC (Annual Subscription)
£106.78 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972 Chq No:100417 | |
Total £ 552.49 Cllr German seconded these payments. Passed. |
31 | PlanningNONE. | ||
Correspondence | ||
32.1 | Correspondence from Residents of the Parish | ||
32.1.1 | – Email re: Grass Verge outside 1 Church LaneClerk had highlighted issue to Highways and they have agreed to make good. | ||
32.2 | Correspondence requiring Council’s Attention | ||
32.2.1 | – HDC Parish Electoral Review – ConsultationNoted. | ||
32.2.2 | – Letter from British Legion re: Christie HallCouncil confirmed the arrangements for determining the rental calculations and agreed the increase in the council’s share from £806 to £910 for the next five years (2006 – 2010) | ||
32.2.3 | – Letter from Information Commissioner – Publication Scheme Accepted.Noted. | ||
32.3 | Other CorrespondencePlease see CD recording the correspondence that has been received and circulated in addition to the copy letters sent by the Clerk. Individual items have been or will be raised as future agenda items, by members, if thought appropriate. Invoices received are listed at the end.
Please return CD for reuse. |
33 | Questions from Councillors None. | ||
34 | Reports | ||
34.1 | -Update on Election/Membership of CouncilClerk confirmed that a contested election would be taking place. | ||
34.2 | -Update on Budget (Clerk)The Clerk talked through the proposed budget for next year which was very tight and highlighted that it would not be possible to make a grant to the church in 2006-7 and payment for the election would be deferred until 2007-8.
A three year projection had been made which included an increased payment to the church in 2007-8 (only) although this would need to be agreed by the council at that time. In addition, the projections included the building of a reserve as required by the external auditors of between 6 – 18 months essential costs. |
34.3 | -Update on Thornhaugh 2 Possible Power Plant & Quarry at Cross Leys site (Cllr Gatheral)Cllr Gatheral gave an update on this issue explaining that the second consultation date had passed and nothing further would be heard until late summer. However, the local parish councils and interested parties were forming a working party to fight this development, in particular the waste power plant and Cllr Gatheral would be willing to represent this council. | ||
34.4 | -Parish Council Archiving Update (Cllr Winfrey)Cllr Winfrey has custody of all the parish council records going back to its first meeting. He has catalogued the important documents and is willing to retain custody until the parish council is in a position to arrange for these documents to be archived. It was agreed to let residents know these documents exist in case they wish for access to them and after a suitable time, say 6 months, arrange to be archived. | Action: Clerk to diarise for a future Living Village article. | |
34.5 | -Any Other Parish Information None. | ||
35 | Proposals and Recommendations | ||
35.1 | Budget 2006-7 & Projections for 2007-8 &2008-9 (Cllr Winfrey)That the parish council approve the budget as per Appendix A.
Cllr German seconded Passed. |
S111 Local Government Act 1972 | |
35.2 | Accounts 2005-6 (Cllr Winfrey)That the parish council approve the accounts as presented by the clerk in Appendix B to enable submission to the internal auditor as required under the Audit Regulations 2003.
Cllr White seconded. Passed. |
Audit regulations 2003 | |
35.3 | Peterborough & Cambs Minerals and Waste Local Plan -Thornhaugh Action Group/Working Party Representation (Cllr Winfrey)That up to 2 members represent this parish council on the action group formed which is made up from representatives from all neighbouring parish councils & other interested parties to
a) Provide collaboration between PCs across parish & county boundaries. b) Initiate a public awareness campaign. c) Develop a future action plan. It is likely that costs for the group will be shared amongst all parish councils. Appointed members to be agreed at the Annual Meeting in May but, due to the urgency of this matter, Cllr Gatheral to be appointed in the interim period. Decisions relating to commitment to financial support from this parish council must be referred to council prior to agreement and regular reports provided to council at each meeting. Cllr German seconded. Passed. |
S111 Local Government Act 1972 | |
35.4 | Adopt Standing Orders (Including Complaints Procedure) Cllr WinfreyThat the parish council adopt standing orders as per Appendix C & Complaints Procedure (as Appendix D), both based on the NALC model, and review annually.
Cllr Gatheral seconded. Passed. |
S111 Local Government Act 1972 | |
35.5 | Adopt Financial Regulations (Cllr Winfrey)That the parish council adopt financial regulations, as based on the NALC model and as per Appendix E, and review annually.
Cllr German seconded. Passed. |
Audit regulations 2003 | |
35.6 | Adopt Financial Risk Assessment (Cllr Winfrey)That the council adopt the risk assessment statement as per appendix F and review annually.
Cllr German seconded. Passed. |
S111 Local Government Act 1972 | |
36 | Impact of Resolutions on Crime Management in this ParishNegligible impact on crime management. | S17 Crime & Disorder Act 1998 | |
37 | Date of Next Meeting | ||
Tuesday 9th May 2006 at 7.30pm at Stibbington Environment Centre | |||
The Chair thanked everyone for their preparation for this meeting and closed the meeting at 7.15pm.
May 2006
The (First) meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Tuesday 9th May 2006 at 7.30pm.
Councillors Present:
Gatheral, Peter | White, Jenny | Coe, Andy |
German, Stephen | Bradshaw, Michael | |
Weed, Jon | Turner, Ian |
Councillors were in attendance from 7.20pm
The former Vice-Chairman, Cllr German, in the absence of the former chairman, Cllr Winfrey, opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.
Business Discussed
1 | (Annual) Election of Chairman Cllr Gatheral proposed and Cllr Weed seconded that Cllr German be appointed as Chairman. Cllr German was willing to stand and was duly appointed until May 2007. | ||||||||
2 | Declaration of Acceptance of Office | ||||||||
2.1 | – From ChairmanA Declaration of Office for Chair (and as a member) was signed by Cllr German in the presence of the Clerk. | ||||||||
2.2 | – From ALL MembersA Declaration of Office as a member was signed by all members in the presence of the clerk.
The Clerk briefly explained the need to declare interests to all members. |
3 | Election of Other Officers/Representatives | ||||||||
3.1 | Vice ChairpersonCllr Gatheral appointed. | ||||||||
3.2 | Street Lights Representative Cllr Weed appointed. | ||||||||
3.3 |
Cambridgeshire Association of Local Councils RepresentativeCllr White appointed. | ||||||||
3.4 | Christie Hall Management Committee RepresentativeCllr Weed appointed. | ||||||||
3.5 | Tree WardenIt was agreed that Mary Marleau would remain as Tree Warden for the village and she would liase closely with the Parish Council regarding spending decisions. | ||||||||
3.6 | Church RepresentativeCllr German appointed. | ||||||||
3.8 | Parish Footpaths and Bridleways RepresentativeCllr Turner appointed as the Parish Footpaths and Bridleways Representative and he would liase closely with Mrs Marleau. | ||||||||
3.9 | Police Liaison Representative Cllr Coe appointed. | ||||||||
3.10 | Road Safety Representative Cllr Coe appointed. | ||||||||
3.11 | Planning and Development and Land Issues Representative(s)It was agreed planning matters would be reviewed by full council. | ||||||||
3.12 | Parish Maintenance Representative Cllr Coe appointed. | ||||||||
3.13 | Finance RepresentativeCllr German & Gatheral were appointed. | ||||||||
3.14 | Health and Safety Representative Cllr Bradshaw appointed. | ||||||||
3.15 | Line Manager for ClerkIt was agreed that Cllr German would be the line manager for the Clerk. | ||||||||
3.16 | Thornhaugh Development Action Group Cllr Gatheral & Cllr Bradshaw appointed. | ||||||||
3.17 | Any Other Representations None. | ||||||||
4 | Review of Subscriptions | ||||||||
4.1 | Cambs Association of Local Councils It was agreed this subscription to be renewed. | ||||||||
4.2 | ACREThis was included with the insurance. | ||||||||
5 | Inspection of DeedsNone. | ||||||||
6 | Apologies for AbsenceNo apologies, all members present. District Cllr Guyatt & County Councillors McGuire & Hensley were unable to make this meeting. | ||||||||
7 | Declaration of Interest (for items on the agenda)Cllr White declared a prejudicial interest in item 13.1.2 and would leave the meeting at that point. | ||||||||
8 | Minutes of Previous Meetings | ||||||||
8.1 | Approval of Minutes of Meeting 19th April 2006It was agreed these minutes were a true and accurate record of the meeting. | ||||||||
8.2 | Review of Actions from Meeting 19th April 2006 (Information Only)All actions in hand. | ||||||||
8.3 | Review Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 19th April 2006Although it was recognised it was not for the parish council to approve these minutes, there was agreement that these were a true and accurate reflection of the meeting save for noting Cllr German’s vote of thanks to Cllr Richard Winfrey and the presentation from all council members. | ||||||||
10 | Business Expressly Required by Statute | ||||||||
10.1 | Review Council Insurance Clerk advised that she had still to review the insurance in depth but she had noticed that the insurance included only one notice board, and was not index linked, leaving the assets under-insured. Index linking would not cost extra, but a view would need to be taken on the current values placed on each item as to its true replacement value before the index linking was in place.
The notice board to be added. Cllr German & Cllr Gatheral to work with the clerk to ascertain correct values and amend the insurance accordingly. |
Clerk, in liaison with Cllr German & Cllr Gatheral, to ascertain correct values and apply index linking. | |||||||
10.2 | Review Standing Orders including Complaints ProcedureThis was agreed in April 2006 and did not require further action. | ||||||||
10.3 | Review Financial Regulations This was agreed in April 2006 and did not require further action. | ||||||||
10.4 | Review Financial Risk Assessment This was agreed in April 2006 and did not require further action. | ||||||||
10.5 | Review Risk AssessmentsClerk drew the council’s attention to the necessity for the council to have risk assessments in place for all areas of its business. The Clerk would work on this over the coming year with Cllr Bradshaw, & put assessments to the council to agree. | ||||||||
10.6 | Review Clerk’s Terms and Conditions | ||||||||
10.6.1 | Job Description as Clerk
This was agreed in March 2006 and no changes were necessary. |
10.6.2 | Job Description as RFO
This was agreed in March 2006 and no changes were necessary. |
10.6.3 | Confirmation of Scale of Pay 2006/7 to be SCP 20
It was agreed that the clerk’s salary scale would be increased to SCP20 as agreed on her appointment. |
10.6.4 | Expenses
This was agreed in March 2006 and no changes were necessary. |
10.7 | Review Internal Auditor Services The council agreed to retain the services of Mr Paul Richards as the Internal Auditor for this Parish Council and the frequency of his checks, to remain once a year. Mr Richards does not seek payment as this is a service he undertakes for the community. | ||||||||
10.8 | Review Freedom of Information Publication Scheme This was agreed in March 2006 and no changes were necessary. | ||||||||
10.9 | Approve Updated Asset Register See 18.2 | ||||||||
11 11.1.1 | Financial AccountsAccounts @ 30th April 2005 | ||||||||
Community Account | Business Premium Account | ||||||||
£476.49 |
£5,789.84 |
There was 1 cheque(s) unpresented for £106.78 for CALC.VAT claim for 2005-6 had been received for £63.41.
Precept of £3500.00 received. |
11.1.2 | Cheque SignatoriesThe Clerk confirmed that the mandate change had gone through. See Item 18.1 for list of signatories. | ||||||||
11.2 | To Receive the ‘Budget Vs Spend’ ReportClerk had circulated report. It was questioned whether the report was clear on the budget being ‘on target’. It was agreed that comparing the budget Vs the spend columns would highlight this. | ||||||||
11.3 | Notice of Appointment of Date For The Exercise of Electors Rights Council agreed that Subject to the Statement of Assurance being approved by Council (See item 18.4) this notice to be posted on Thursday 18th May, with accounts (2005/6) being made available between Friday 2nd June and Thursday 29th June (20 working days) 1pm- 8pm, by appointment with the Clerk, at a venue to be agreed, with a councillor in attendance. Submission will then be made to the External Auditors by the 1st July 2005. | Accounts & Audit Regulations 1996 (SI 1996/590) s9 | |||||||
12 | To Authorise the Following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral) : | ||||||||
12.1 | Mrs S Mulley (Clerk’s Salary for April 2006 £166.87 less £36.71 tax) The time spent on the living village article was questioned and the clerk explained what had been involved, including provision of contact information for a future issue.
£130.16 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq Number:
100419 |
12.2 | Mrs S Mulley (Office Expenses)
£15.68 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq Number:
100420 |
12.3 | Mrs S Mulley (Travel Expenses)
£22.80 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq Number:
100421 |
12.4 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk deducted from Clerk’s salary)
£36.71 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq Number:
100422 |
Payments seconded by Cllr Turner. Passed. | |||||||||
Total £205.35 |
13 | Planning | ||||||||
These applications were on view to the public from 7.20pm | |||||||||
13.1 | New Applications | Town & Country Act 1990 Sched 1 Para 8 | |||||||
13.1.1 | Address | Name | Work | Planning Reference | |||||
35 Church Lane | Baines | Erection of double garage following demolition of existing | 0601236ful | ||||||
Orpen HouseLand at and including 3 Great North Rd | Erection of dwelling and construction of new access to serve Orpen House AMENDED PLANS – COMMENTS INVITED | 0502924FUL | Cllr White left the meeting at 8.12pm having declared a prejudicial interest.It was agreed that the council had no observations either in favour or against this amended application. | ||||||
Cllr White returned to the meeting at 8.15pm. |
13.2 | Determinations | ||||||||
Address | Name | Work | Planning Ref | Recommendation | |||||
14.2.1 | 61 Church Lane | Proposed replacement dwelling | 0600300ful | The application was refused by HDC. A High quality scheme is required for this sensitive area. | |||||
14.2.2 | |||||||||
15 | Correspondence | ||||||||
15.1 | Correspondence from Residents | ||||||||
None. | |||||||||
15.2 | Correspondence requiring Council’s Attention | ||||||||
15.2.1 | LDF Core Strategy & Statement of Community Involvement.CD to be circulated amongst all members and responses made as residents through the on-line form. | ||||||||
15.2.2 | Christie Hall Lease.The memorandum of Rent Review has been received and signed off by the Chair and Clerk as per minute ref 32.2.2 (April 2006). | ||||||||
15.2.3 | Training Fliers Clerk highlighted courses available and suggested ‘in house’ training with another council as it would be beneficial to be carried out together and to be provided more locally. It should also prove to be more economical. | ||||||||
15.2.4 | Parish Path AgreementThe parish council was successful in its application to remain in the parish paths partnership. The covering letter mentioned £200 remaining and that this to be applied to the grass cutting regime. The clerk highlighted that this would be carried over to 2007-8 in light of the agreed budget for this year. | ||||||||
15.2.5 | LA Byelaws in England – A Discussion PaperCllr Gatheral agreed to review on behalf of the council and feedback anything relevant at the next meeting. | ||||||||
15.2.6 | CALC The BulletinCirculated at the meeting. | ||||||||
15.3 | Other Correspondence | ||||||||
15.3.1 | Please see CD recording the correspondence that has been received.. Individual items have been or will be raised as future agenda items, by members, if thought appropriate. | ||||||||
16 | Questions from Councillors None. | ||||||||
17 | Reports | ||||||||
17.1 |
Crime Report The clerk read an email from PC Ellis. There had been no crime reported for the parish. PC Ellis had kept a high profile at The Haycock and vehicle crime had dropped. | ||||||||
17.2 |
Internal Audit Report 2005/6 (Clerk)Clerk advised there were no areas of concern following the internal audit and the AR11 had been signed by the Internal Auditor, Mr Paul Richards.
There had been discussions between the Internal Auditor and Clerk about depreciation and the value of fixed assets but the clerk had explained the council’s responsibilities under the Audit Regulations and these matters had been resolved. The Council thanked Mr Richards for his time and attention to detail. |
17.11 |
Any Other Parish Information | ||||||||
17.11.1 | Publicising New Council (Cllr Weed) Cllr Weed enquired how the residents would establish the new make-up of the council. There followed discussion as to the appropriate media and a flier was agreed Cllr Bradshaw to arrange for publication at no cost through Bradshaws Electric Vehicles Ltd. | . | |||||||
17.11.2 | Time of Meetings (Cllr German)The starting time of meetings was discussed and it was generally agreed that a start time of 7.40pm (open forum from 7.30pm) would be more convenient.
Cllr German to put a proposal for next month. |
Cllr German to add to agenda for next month. | |||||||
17.11.3 | ‘Go Away’ Waste Plant Literature (Cllr Coe)Cllr Coe highlighted ‘Go Away’ literature – copies available from Cllr Coe. | ||||||||
17.11.4 | Circulated Letter from Environment Agency (Cllr White)The circulation of this letter with ‘Living Villages’ was noted as misleading. | ||||||||
18 | Proposals and Resolutions | ||||||||
18.1 | Banking Arrangements (Cllr Bradshaw)That the following Councillors remain bank signatories on both Barclays accounts.
·1 Mr Peter Gatheral ·2 Mr Stephen German ·3 Mr Jon Weed Seconded by Cllr White Passed |
Power: S111 of Local Government Act 1972 | |||||||
18.2 | Asset Register (Cllr Gatheral) :That the council approve the Asset Register as complete and accurate.
Seconded by Cllr Weed. Passed |
Power: S111 of Local Government Act 1972 | |||||||
18.4 | Annual Return – Statement of Assurance (Cllr Gatheral)Following approval of accounts & associated documents (Minute Ref 35.2 ) & the satisfactory internal audit (See item 18.4 ), that the parish council approve the statement of assurance (section 2) of the Annual Return for the year ending 31st March 2006 and instruct the Chairman & Clerk (RFO) to sign the Annual Return on behalf of the Council.
Seconded by Cllr Weed. Passed |
Power: Accounts & Audit Regulations 1996 (SI 1996/590) s 8 | |||||||
19 | Impact of Resolutions on Crime Management in the Parish Negligible affect on the management of crime in this parish. | Power: Crime & Disorder Act 1998 S17 | |||||||
20 | Date of Next Meeting | ||||||||
Tuesday 11th July at The Environment Centre at 7.30pm It was agreed to add Parish Plan to agenda, District Cllr Guyatt to address council on this important document. | |||||||||
July 2006
The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Tuesday 11th July 2006 at 7.40pm.
Councillor S German (Chair) | Councillor J White | Mrs S Mulley (Clerk) |
Councillor P Gatheral | Councillor I Turner | |
Councillor A Coe |
Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm and there were 12 members of the public present in addition to District Cllr Guyatt. Members of the public addressed the council in the following areas:
§ The ‘New Council’ green leaflet did not reach all households
§ Objection to the planning application in item 37.1(Copy letter to HDC given to Chairman)
§ Condition of the dividing wall on old Great North Road
§ What is happening with the Quad Bike Track?
The Chair agreed that the council would look into these issues either at this or a future meeting.
District Cllr Guyatt gave background information to an email received from Elton PC re: Increase in Airfield Noise.
The Chairman, Cllr German opened the meeting, at 7.40pm.
Business Discussed:
It was agreed by council to move item 34 to the start of the meeting as Cllr Guyatt had to get to another meeting. | |||||||
34 | Parish Plan Presentation from District Cllr GuyattCllr Guyatt gave an overview of the requirements for undertaking a parish plan, who would be key partners and how it would be implemented. There was a financial cost which had to be met by the parish council.
Cllr Guyatt was thanked for his advice and he left the meeting at 8.05pm. Council agreed this would be a project it would wish to take on and agreed for the clerk to invite Stan Rees ACRE to attend a meeting to move this forward. |
Action: Clerk to contact Stan Rees, ACRE | |||||
29 | Apologies for Absence Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Weed and Cllr Bradshaw. | ||||||
30 | Approve Minutes of Meeting | ||||||
30.1 | Tuesday 9th May 2006
These were agreed as a true and accurate record. |
30.2 | Tuesday 6th June 2006
These were agreed as a true and accurate record.
30.3 | Monday 26th June 2006
These were agreed as a true and accurate record.
31 | Review Actions from Meetings | ||||||
31.1 | Tuesday 9th May 2006
All actions in hand or on agenda for discussion. |
31.2 | Tuesday 6th June 2006
None. |
31.3 | Monday 26th June 2006
None. |
32 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be TransactedCllr Coe declared a prejudicial interest (friendship with neighbours opposing application and fellow neighbour) in item 37.1. | ||||||
33 | Business Expressly Required by StatuteNone. | ||||||
3535.1 | FinanceAccounts @ 30th June 2006 | ||||||
Community Account | Premium Account | ||||||
£164.36 |
£5,798.78 |
35.2 | To Receive ‘Budget Vs Spent’ Report Circulated at meeting – no questions. | ||||||
36 | To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral): | ||||||
36.1 | Mrs S Mulley (Clerk’s Salary for June 2006 (Worked May) £184.91 less £40.68 tax )
£144.23 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:100423 | |||||
36.2 | Mrs S Mulley (Office Expenses for June & July 2006) CHANGED
£36.44 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:100425 | |||||
36.3 | Mrs S Mulley (Travel Expenses for May, June & July 2006)
£7.60 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:100426 | |||||
36.4 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk – June 2006 (See above)
£40.68 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:100427 | |||||
36.5 | Mrs S Mulley (Clerk’s Salary for July 2006 (Worked June) £76.67 less £16.86 tax )
£59.81 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:100428 | |||||
36.6 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk July 2006 (Worked June) (See above)
£16.86 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:100429 | |||||
36.7 | Mrs S Mulley (Clerk’s Salary for August 2006 (Holiday Pay) £180.40 less £39.68tax )
£140.72 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:100430 | |||||
36.8 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk August 2006 (Holiday Pay) (See above)
£39.68 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:100431 | |||||
36.9 | CALC (Postage for New Councillors Guide)
£4.74 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:100432 | |||||
36.10 | CALC (Basic Councillor Training for 6 Delegates)
£103.80 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:100433 | |||||
Total £563.98 |
The payments were seconded by Cllr Turner Passed. | |||||||
37 | PlanningCllr Coe left the meeting at 8.05pm having declared a prejudicial interest. | ||||||
37.1 | New Applications This was on view to the public from 7.30pm
Council discussed this application but it was agreed a site visit was imperative before a decision could be reached. |
Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Sched 1 Para 8 | |||||
It was agreed to postpone this item until the end of the meeting when the meeting would be closed temporarily for a site visit and reopened for further discussion. | |||||||
Name | Address | Work Planned | Planning Ref | Recommendation | |||
D’More | 11 Great North Road, Stibbington | Extensions to dwellings & erection of garage | 0601306ful | ||||
Correspondence | ||||||
38.1 | Correspondence from Residents of the Parish | ||||||
38.1.1 | –Email re: verge outside 1 Church LaneClerk advised that resident had contacted her to advise nothing had been done. She had referred to Highways but contact had been on holiday. She has recently heard from the engineer that the condition of the verge was unsatisfactory and CCC would not be adopting until rectified so it was being referred back to the contractor. The Clerk has informed resident and will diarise to ascertain progress.
Cllr Coe returned to meeting at 8.15pm. |
Action: Clerk to chase | |||||
38.1.2 | -Letter from resident re: parking at bottom of Church LaneThis letter had been received by the Chair so was read out to the council. It was agreed the Clerk would ask PC Ellis to look into and advise resident accordingly. | Action: Clerk contact PC Ellis and reply to resident. | |||||
38.2 | Correspondence requiring Council’s Attention | ||||||
38.2.1 | – HDC Overview and Scrutiny {Panel Annual Report 2005-6Noted. | ||||||
38.2.2 | -HDC Huntingdonshire Rural Accessibility StudyCllrs Gatheral and Turner to review and report back to next meeting. | Action: Cllrs Gatheral/Turner to report at next meeting. | |||||
38.2.3 | -Jointly Funded Minor Road Improvement Scheme 2007-8 Noted. Nothing planned this year with finances so tight. | ||||||
38.2.4 | -0 Email from Wansford Parish Council re: Footpath, Wansford Bridge
Clerk to contact the PCC Bridge engineer regarding provision of bollards. |
Action: Clerk to contact PCC and add to agenda for September. | |||||
38.2.5 | –Email from Elton PC Re: Air Traffic Noise (and supporting emails)It was agreed for clerk to contact the owner and share concerns re noise and debris from parachuting (health and safety/insurance)and ask for an on-site meeting with members from this parish council (and Elton if owner and Elton PC agreeable). | Action: Clerk organise on site meeting with owner and parish council (s) to discuss concerns. | |||||
38.2.6 | – CCC Diversion of public bridleway 5 Noted; no comments to make. | ||||||
38.2.7 | –Northants Minerals and Waste Dev Framework DocumentationNoted. | ||||||
38.2.8 | –Letter from Highways re: Tree OwnershipMembers identified for Highways the likely ownership of 5 parcels of land the trees on which threaten to cause damage to the bus provider’s vehicles. | ||||||
38.2.9 | –A1 Slip RoadClerk had received a response from Highways who did not have responsibility for this; clerk to refer back to Cty Cllr McGuire. | Action: Clerk to refer back to Cllr McGuire. | |||||
38.3 | Other CorrespondencePlease see CD recording the correspondence that has been received and circulated in addition to the copy letters sent by the Clerk. Individual items have been or will be raised as future agenda items, by members, if thought appropriate.
39 | Questions from Councillors None. | ||||||
40 | Reports | ||||||
40.1 | Crime Report (Cllr Coe)Cllr Coe had spoken with PC Ellis who was unwell and unable to attend the meeting. The crimes within the parish were predominantly commercial (car breaking at the Haycock and mineral theft from the Railway Station in addition to a domestic burglary in Church Lane. | ||||||
40.2 | Inspection of Accounts (Clerk) The clerk reported that no-one has asked to inspect the accounts and the Annual Return had been submitted to the external auditors on Friday 30th June and they ahs acknowledged receipt. | ||||||
40.3 | Local Byelaws Discussion Paper (Cllr Gatheral)Withdrawn. | ||||||
40.4 | Thornhaugh Working Party Update Including Start Up Fee (Cllr Gatheral & Cllr Bradshaw)Meeting arranged for later this month. As to the start-up fee and future costs for the fighting fund, a flier would be created by the clerk to go out with the Living Village asking members of the electorate to let the council know before the next meeting if they did not want public money spent by the parish council in this regard. | Action: Clerk draws up a flier; add to agenda for September. | |||||
40.5 | Review of Insurance Cover (Clerk) Cllr Gatheral and Cllr German agreed to look into values for assets in time for September meeting. | Action: Cllr Gatheral and Cllr German to consider insurance values for assets. | |||||
40.6 | Internal Auditor Vacancy (Clerk) The clerk explained that Paul Richards no longer wished to undertake the internal audit services. Council members to consider if they know anyone who might undertake the role voluntarily; clerk advised she could provide someone (at a cost per hour) if no-one can help on a voluntary basis. | Action: Clerk to add to agenda for September. | |||||
40.7 | PC Flier (Clerk)The clerk confirmed that this had been produced but it was agreed a further 50 copies were required to cover remaining households. | Action: Clerk to liase with Cllr Bradshaw. | |||||
40.8 | Traffic Management (Cllr Gatheral)Bridge
HGV lorries (and Alec Head Coaches) are going over the bridge; signage inadequate. A1 Slip Road Signs These are obscured by branches. Excessive Speed Speed remains a problem in the village. Parish council need advice on what can be dome to slow the traffic. Clerk to refer to Highways. |
Action: Clerk to refer to Highways. | |||||
40.9 | Litter Management (Cllr Gatheral)Other parish council’s employ staff to sweep/litter pick – could this parish council consider this in the future?
It was agreed the budget constraints made this unlikely for the time being. A Voluntary community litter pick was considered and would be explored at a future date. |
40.10 | Airfield (Cllr Weed)See 38.2.5. | ||||||
40.11 | Waterside Development (Cllr Coe) Concern was raised as to the belief that the properties were being sold as permanent residences and it was agreed the matter should be highlighted to planning enforcement. | Action: Clerk to write to Planning Enforcement, HDC | |||||
40.12 | Path on both sides of A1 (Cllr Coe) Withdrawn. | ||||||
40.13 | Website (Cllr Coe)It was agreed that Cllr Coe could draft a website for council’s consideration. It could be used as an additional are of communication with residents.
Action: Cllr Coe to draft website | |||||
40.14 | Footpaths (Cllr German) Withdrawn. | ||||||
40.15 | The Graveyard (Cllr Bradshaw) Cllr Bradshaw absent – condition of graveyard a concern – Chair to liase with Mr Winfrey. | Action: Chair to liase with Mr Winfrey from PCC | |||||
40.16 | Parking on Church Lane (Cllr German) See item 38.1.2. | ||||||
40.17 | Any Other Matters (Information Only – No Decisions) | ||||||
40.17.1 | Path outside Diesel filling station Path had been lost with the lorry traffic. | Action: Clerk to refer to Highways. | |||||
40.17.2 | Dates for Future MeetingsIt was agreed for parish council meetings to be every other month on the second Tuesday; planning meetings to take place in between. | ||||||
41 | Proposals and Recommendations | ||||||
41.1 | Start Time of Meeting (Cllr German)Future meetings of the council to start at 7.40pm with the open forum starting at 7.30pm.
Seconded by Cllr Gatheral Passed. |
Local Government Act 1972 S111/S133 | |||||
41.2 | Allowances to Parish Councillors under Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 & Local Government Act 1972 for 2006/7 & Publication of Notice (Cllr Gatheral)See Appendix A
Agreed, Seconded by Cllr Turner Passed. |
Local Government Act 1972 S15 & Local Auth (Member’s Allowances) England Regulations 2003 | |||||
41.3 | Councillor Training (Cllr Gatheral) RETROSPECTIVEThat all new councillors attend a training session run by CALC on Monday 26th June 7-10pm at a cost of £15 per delegate plus proportion of trainer’s costs (shared with 3 other councils); any other members welcome to attend.
Seconded by Cllr Turner Passed. |
Power: S111 of Local Government Act 1972 | |||||
42 | Impact of Resolutions on Crime Management in this ParishNegligible impact on crime management in the parish. | S17 Crime & Disorder Act 1998 | |||||
Date of Next MeetingPLANNING MEETING W/C 17 JULY TBA | |||||||
Tuesday 12th September 2006at 7.40pm at Environment Centre, StibbingtonAgenda items to include:
Bench at Old Great North Road (Cllr White) Christie Hall (Cllr Gatheral) & other items highlighted in these minutes. |
Other Dates:Tuesday 14th November 2006 at 7.40pm | |||||||
Tuesday 9th January 2006 Tuesday 13th March 2006 | |||||||
The Chair closed the meeting at 9.35pm and reconvened at 9.55pm after a site visit to site for planning application. Cllr Coe left the meeting. Cllr Turner declared a personal interest and did not take part in the vote.
Name | Address | Work Planned | Planning Ref &Recommendation | |
D’More | 11 Great North Road, Stibbington | Extensions to dwellings & erection of garage | 0601306fulFollowing discussions and a site visit council strongly objected to this application as the garage at the front adversely affected the street scene and the extension to the back adversely affects the privacy of its neighbours.
The council strongly advised the planning department to visit the site to review the current development before considering this application further. Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Gatheral, Passed. |
The Chair thanked everyone for their patience and closed the meeting at 10pm.
September 2006
The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Tuesday 11th July 2006 at 7.40pm.
Councillor S German | Councillor J White | Mrs S Mulley (Clerk) |
Councillor P Gatheral | Councillor I Turner | |
Councillor A Coe | Councillor J Weed |
Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm
There were 7 members of the public in attendance in addition to District Councillor Guyatt. During the open forum questions were asked regarding planning permission for Peterborough Paintball (The Chair agreed to highlight to the Planning Authorities), the arrival of travellers and the possible waste energy plant at Thornhaugh. Cllr Guyatt advised all present that the preferred options of Peterborough CC and Cambridgeshire CC would go out for consultation in November/December and he understood that Thornhaugh did not feature as an option. It is the Secretary of States decision and the landowner may persist but it is not a preferred option for the authorities at this time.
The Chairman, Cllr German opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.
Business Discussed
47 | Apologies for Absence Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Bradshaw (work commitment). | |||||
48 | Presentation from Stan Rees (ACRE) re: Parish PlanMr Rees (Cambs ACRE) talked through a Parish Plan pack which was circulated to all members after the meeting.
He outlined the advantages to having a plan and the process for obtaining one, as well as the funding available. The Chair thanked Mr Rees for his time and the parish council would discuss this further at a later meeting. Mr Rees left the meeting at 8.40pm |
49.2 |
Approve Minutes of Meeting-Tuesday 11th July 2006
These were agreed to be a true and accurate record of this meeting. -Tuesday 18th July (Planning) These were agreed to be a true and accurate record of this meeting. |
50 | Review Actions from Meetings All actions in hand or included on agenda for discussion at this meeting.
51 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be TransactedCllr German had a personal interest in item 55.1.2 (friendship) and would stay in the meeting for the discussion but would not vote. | |||||
52 | Business Expressly Required by StatuteNone. | |||||
5353.1 | FinanceAccounts @ 31st August 2006 | |||||
Community Account | Premium Account | |||||
£569.80 |
£4,798.78 |
53.2 | To Receive ‘Budget Vs Spent’ Report Report circulated. There were no questions. | |||||
54 | To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral): | |||||
54.1 | Mrs S Mulley (Clerk’s Salary for September 2006 (worked July & August) £175.89 less £38.69 tax )
£137.20 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:100434 | ||||
54.2 | Mrs S Mulley (Office Expenses)
£7.71 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:
100435 |
54.3 | Mrs S Mulley (Travel Expenses)
£7.60 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:
100436 |
54.4 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk)
£38.69 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:100437 | ||||
54.5 | Moore Stephens (External Audit Fees- including £8.75 VAT)
£58.75 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:100438 | ||||
54.6 | Parish Watch (Contribution towards start up costs for power plant fighting fund)
£50 Subject to 59.1 being agreed by council. |
S137Chq No:
100439 |
54.7 | Suffolk ACRE Services (Insurance)
S111 Local Government Act 1972Chq No:
100440 |
£677.08 Orders for payment seconded by Cllr German Passed |
55 | Planning | |||||
55.1 | New Applications These were on view to the public from 7.30pm | Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Sched 1 Para 8 | ||||
Name & Address | Work Planned | Planning Ref | Recommendation | |||
55.1.1 | Land rear of 2 & 4 Elton Rd, Wansford | Alterations and extensions to form ancillary living accommodation | 0602676ful | See below | ||
Council felt a site visit was necessary for a valid comment. Clerk to seek an extension to the consultation period and arrange an additional meeting. | ||||||
55.1.2 | Barn The Haycock Hotel London Road Wansford Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE8 6JE Cllr German reminded council he had a personal interest (friendship) and did not contribute to the discussions. | Erection of flagpole design antenna and equipment cabinet | 0602460fulThe parish council had no observations either in favour or against this application. | |||
55.2 | Determinations | |||||
Report had been circulated. | ||||||
55.3 |
Current EnforcementsReport had been circulated. | |||||
Correspondence | |||||
56.1 | Correspondence from Residents of the Parish | |||||
56.1.1 | Change to Meeting DateThe clerk had received a telephone request for the dates of the meetings to be changed as they clashed with another community group’s meetings (WI).
Members did not wish to change the agreed pattern of every 2 months on the second Tuesday. |
56.2 | Correspondence requiring Council’s Attention | |||||
56.2.1 | -CALC – Various Training Course Fliers Noted by council members. | |||||
56.2.2 | –Mobile Outreach Service Noted. | |||||
56.2.3 | -East of England Draft RSS for Gypsy & Traveller Caravan SitesNoted. Cllr German to read and feedback to council. | |||||
56.2.4 | -CCC Proposed Revisions to Regional Spatial StrategyNoted. Cllr Turner to read and feedback to council. | |||||
56.2.5 | -CALC Change in ConstitutionNoted. | |||||
56.2.6 | -CALC ‘The BulletinSent in advance of the meeting- contents duly noted. | |||||
56.2.7 | –CALC AGM Saturday October 14th Noted – no-one would be able to attend from this council. | |||||
56.3 | Other CorrespondencePlease see appendix A recording the correspondence that has been received and circulated in addition to the copy letters sent by the Clerk. Individual items have been or will be raised as future agenda items, by members, if thought appropriate. | |||||
57 | Questions from Councillors None. | |||||
58 | Reports | |||||
58.1 | Crime Report (Cllr Coe)PC Ellis is back on duty and will be visiting Cllr Coe shortly. There had been 3 burglaries and incidents of commercial crime. The police areas are changing once again and Cllr Coe will advise when these are known. | |||||
58.2 | Parish Plan Update (Clerk)To be added to agenda for the next meeting following Mr Rees’ presentation. | |||||
58.3 | Update re: Provision of Bollards beside Wansford Bridge (Clerk)Clerk explained that PCC were not willing to install bollards and previous minutes showed that this Parish Council was unwilling as it was on private land.
The parish council’s view on this had not changed. |
Action: Clerk to write to Wansford PC to advise. | ||||
58.4 | Update re: Meeting with Airfield (Cllr Coe)Cllr Coe had met with the airfield owners. The noise level was affected mainly by two criteria:
1) Two aircraft flying (licensed) unsilenced. Owner was raising resources to purchase silencers but would need to seek permission from CAA for their use. 2) The circuit was (unusually) 800 ft and was governed by RAF Wittering. It had been agreed with Wittering verbally to raise to 1000ft and written confirmation of this was being sought by the owners. The owner also agreed to extend the centreline to try and avoid over-flying. It had been agreed with neighbouring affected parish councils to review in 6 months and for the noise from the public address system to be included in future discussions with the owners from the parachuting centre. Responsibility for Airfield Liaison to be added to agenda for next meeting.
Action: Responsibility for airfield to be added to agenda. | ||||
58.5 | ‘Parish Watch’ Update (Cllr Gatheral)Cllr Gatheral had nothing to add from Cllr Guyatt’s earlier comments. It was noted that there had been no objections received for parish council money (under s137) to be spent on the start up fund for this group. | |||||
58.6 | Insurance Cover Review (Cllr Gatheral)Cllrs German and Gatheral had reviewed the reinstatement values for the street furniture and the clerk would now increase the insurance cover accordingly. | |||||
58.7 | Website Draft (Cllr Coe/Clerk) Cllr Coe demonstrated a draft website and it was agreed this would be a positive move forward. www.stibbington.org.uk suggested. The cost would be minimal and this was to be added to proposals for next meeting. | Action: Add as a proposal for next meeting. | ||||
58.8 | Christie Hall (Cllr Weed) Kitchen had been refitted and new secure doors being planned. | |||||
58.9 | Bench – Old Great North Road (Cllr Coe)Cllr Coe confirmed that this bench had been repaired. | |||||
58.10 | Consideration for Community Project (Cllr Coe)Cllr Coe suggested a new village sign on Elton Road to read ‘Stibbington & Wansford’. There was debate as to whether this should be a question in the parish plan but it was agreed the clerk should seek costings. | Action: Clerk to seek cost of new village sign. | ||||
58.11 | Update re: Waterside Development (Clerk)HDC Planning aware but planning permission is being complied with. | |||||
58.12 | Audited Annual Return (Clerk) Clerk advised that the external auditors had signed off the accounts for 2005-6 and the clerk had published the relevant notice to confirm these accounts are now closed. | |||||
58.13 | Agree Annual Parish Meeting Date / PC Meeting to Agree Accounts(Clerk)Tuesday 10th April agreed for a short meeting to agree the accounts followed by the APM. It was recognised that this was immediately after Easter Monday. | |||||
58.14 | Highways Issues (Clerk)The clerk advised the following: | |||||
58.14.1 | A1 Retaining Wall had been inspected by AM Scott and was found to be safe but they would continue to monitor its condition. | |||||
58.14.2 | Speeding down Elton Road/New Road– The clerk was liasing with Highways/Traffic Department to get a speed limit sign installed. | |||||
58.14.3 | Slip road from A1 near Environment Centre – Clerk still awaits a response from Cllr McGuire; Highways were unable to help. Council found this unsatisfactory as this slip road was continually being abused by HGVs. Cllr German to speak to Cllr McGuire. | |||||
58.14.4 | Wansford Bridge –HGVs & Buses – the clerk has contacted PCC and they confirmed Wansford PC had also raised this as an issue. They would be looking into ways to enforce. | |||||
58.14.5 | Church Lane Verge– Clerk sought clarification on the current condition of this verge which was confirmed as tidy. | |||||
58.15 | Bridleway gate – Elton Road (Cllr Turner)This gate is shutting too quickly. Cambs county council Footpaths officer to visit in early October to assess. | |||||
58.16 | Maintenance of Footpath & Hedge 17-17A Old Great North Road (Cllr Coe)This short path is well used and the bushes are overhanging forcing pedestrians into the road. Clerk to write to 17 and 17a to ask for these bushes to be cut back. In addition, Highways to be contacted regarding the poor state of the path. | Action: Clerk to write to 17 and 17A as well as Highways. | ||||
58.17 | Appointment of an Internal Auditor (Clerk)The clerk had been advised of an auditor used by Thornhaugh PC who would be available for £50 per audit. Council agreed for clerk to enquire and if possible to be added as a proposal for the next meeting. | Action: Contact Mr Kindle and add to next meeting as a proposal. | ||||
58.17 | Any Other Matters (Information/Questions Only – No Decisions) | |||||
58.17.1 | Public Bridleway 5 – Public Path Diversion OrderNoted. | |||||
58.17.2 | Graveyard Maintenance (Cllr Turner) The church had confirmed they had no funds to tidy this area up. | |||||
59 | Proposals and Recommendations | |||||
59.1 | Parish Watch Start Up Fund (Cllr Gatheral) That the parish council contribute £50 to the fighting fund under S137. Opinion from the residents has been sought and there were no objections received from residents to the precept being spent to support this group.
Seconded by Cllr Turner Passed |
S137 | ||||
59.2 | Budget Virement (Cllr Gatheral)That the parish council agree to vire £50 from the allocated budget for audit to section 137 to meet the start up costs of the Parish Watch group.
Seconded by Cllr Turner Passed |
S111 Local Government Act 1972 | ||||
60 | Impact of Resolutions on Crime Management in this ParishNegligible impact to the crime management in this parish. | S17 Crime & Disorder Act 1998 | ||||
Date of Next Meeting | ||||||
Tuesday 14th November at 7.40pm at Environment Centre, StibbingtonAgenda items to include agreement of precept requirement, website, appointment of internal auditor. | ||||||