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Parish Council Minutes 2008

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10 January 2008

Open Parish Meeting to Discuss Traffic Speeding Through the Village and Along Elton Road

The meeting was held at The Christie Hall, Wansford on Thursday, 10th January 2008 at 7.30pm.


Councillor S German Councillor J White Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk)
Councillor P Gatheral Councillor I Turner
Councillor J Weed Councillor M Bradshaw

Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm.

County Councillor McGuire was present; PCSO B Chamberlain was present

17 local residents were present


The Chairman, Cllr German opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.

Business Discussed

105 Apologies for absence – Cllr A Coe
106 Meeting opened by Cllr S German Cllr German welcomed everyone to the meeting and pointed out that the problem of traffic speeding along Elton Road in to Wansford was the subject to be discussed. As this was a reoccurring problem and had been discussed at length in 2000 he asked the clerk to read out the minutes from those previous meetings. Copy of the minutes for 25/1/00 and 31/1/00 are attached.
107 County Councillor McGuire

County Councillor McGuire began by saying that he would support the Parish council in whatever was decided. and that he was responsible on the County Council for highways and transport. At the last County Council cabinet meeting only 4 schemes out of 42 were going to be actioned. He felt that Wansford was an unusual village because it is a conservation area and the road is exceptionally wide. However, he went on to explain how funding for any traffic calming measures is allocated and prioritised within the County Council. Some of the schemes took precedent over others because of their environmental impact.

There are jointly funded minor improvement schemes where the District and County Councils get together depending on the level of funding required. (where it is less that £35000) These are considered by the area joint committee and where the funding is too high they are considered by the County Council cabinet. County Cllr McGuire advised caution as where other schemes had been implemented i.e. signs and rumble strips then very soon after installation problems arose with noise. He advised that it is essential that any proposal had the full support of local residents.

Q Has English Heritage been asked to comment on or to contribute to any schemes as they are interested in what happens within a conservation area.

A No – as they do not usually get involved with matched funding, but they could be approached for ideas.

108 Questions and comments from local residents

PCSO Barry Chamberlain had to attend another meeting so only had a limited time available. PCSO Chamberlain explained that the police often get criticised about speeding but there were many restrictions in place for those officers investigating reported problems. Many villages say speeding is a problem at the regular Panel Meetings. He recently spent part of 2 days in Wansford monitoring the traffic. Most of the cars speeding, on checking the registration, were found to be local. PCSO Chamberlain felt that some of the problem could be solved by through education and he would contact the clerk with his ideas to discuss at future meetings. Meanwhile he urged anyone with concerns to contact him on his mobile 07921 094828.

Q People will not speed when they know police are in the area

A. Police are required to be seen and are not allowed to hide when carrying out speed traps.

Q. How local were the local cars in the survey?

A. Elton, Stibbington, Sibson, Kings Cliffe, Wansford – going both in and out of the village.

He went on to say that if anyone witnessed anything that caused alarm please get in touch with him. He is happy to speak privately to anyone to warn them if they are felt to be driving in an anti social manner.

Q There seems to be a problem in the early morning with speeding.

A Try to get registration number and phone the police. Long term – traffic calming measures may be the answer along with education.

County Cllr McGuire pointed out that he also chairs the Peterborough and Cambridgeshire Road Safety partnership and that they were launching ‘Speedwatch’ in April 2008. Parishes have to volunteer to take part. It is conducted in a similar way to ‘Neighbourhood Watch’.

Q Why was a pelican crossing not an option?

A. These are not designed to slow vehicles down just to all people to cross the road safely.

Q Where could one be sited?

A. This would not slow traffic down as a lot of the time it would not be operating.

Q The nib that was suggested previously had it had funding agreed?

A Nib was generally considered to be a good idea, but it was uncertain whether funding had been originally agreed.

Q The illuminated sign had caused an accident allegedly by dazzling a driver.

A This was not included in any incident figures as it had never been reported.

Q Is Highways looking at alternative interactive signs as there were different types in other villages? (The type that tells drivers the speed they are actually doing.)

A Alternatives were being looked at.

Q Are any more successful?

A. Not measurable.

Q Last traffic survey carried out in 1998 – what were the findings?

A Survey read out.

Q Why not leave things as they are?

A It is a conservation area which could be useful when bidding for funding as currently conservation issues are being addressed.

Q Have traffic calming measures affected local trading figures?

A. No information available.

Q Prosecution, signage and informing people does all help reduce the incidence of speeding, but is it all just local people?

A No

County Cllr McGuire reported that a jointly funded scheme was being implemented in Elton and that this would hopefully have a positive effect in Wansford as well.

A local resident reported that it seemed vehicles were doing speed trials on a regular basis but it was rarely the same vehicle. It was felt that the people concerned needed to be warned that it was not acceptable.

Mr Winfrey, chair of Sibson cum Stibbington Parish Council in 1999, explained how funding had been requested at that time. The funding was to construct the 2 stone pillars and the interactive sign at the beginning of the village. The district council had produced a lot of different schemes including the narrowing of the street. However these were all turned down because of conservation issues. Anything that involved an obtrusive obstacle was not considered acceptable. However some kind of physical obstacle was deemed necessary. A nib near to the stone pillars was proposed in 1999 and it was hoped that more ideas would be forthcoming. Whatever was proposed needed to take in to account the needs of the shop and Post Office.

Q Could a lower speed limit be imposed on Elton road where motor bikes seemed to be regularly using it for speed trials?

A County Cllr McGuire replied that there was currently a review being held concerning all ‘B’ roads, but was unlikely the speed limit would drop below 50mph.

Q If traffic was slowed down at the Waterside Edge turning, would this then help in the village?

A There are no plans to do anything at this turning.

Q Why has the nib not been done?

Q Where would it go?

A Where the interactive sign is.

In 2000 it was agreed to see what affect the sign and the stone pillars had before proceeding with anything else. It was also thought that further funding for the same scheme was unlikely at that time. The Parish Council could still apply.

The problem of traffic speeding along Elton Road into Wansford will be discussed again at the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 15th January 2008.

109 Date of Next Meeting – 7.30pm Tuesday, 15th January 2008 at the Environment Centre, Stibbington.

Meeting closed at 8.55pm

 15 January 2008

The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Tuesday, 15th January 2008 at 7.30pm.


Councillor S German Councillor J White Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk)
Councillor P Gatheral Councillor I Turner
Councillor J Weed Councillor M Bradshaw

Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm

2 members of the public were present. The chair welcomed Mr Russell to the meeting. Mr Russell acted as independent internal auditor for the parish council.

The Chairman, Cllr German opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.

Business Discussed

110 Apologies for Absence – Cllr A Coe
111 Approve Minutes of Meeting – 13th November 2007 – approved by all present5th December 2007 (planning) – approved by all present.
112 Review Actions from Meeting – any items from the last minutes were included as separate agenda items.
113 Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – none
114 Business Expressly Required by Statute – none
115115.1 FinanceAccounts @ 31st December 2007 community account £587.69

Business premium account £10347.95

115.2 To Receive ‘Budget Vs Spent’ Report
116 To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral): all payments agreed
116.1 Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk’s Salary for December 2007 £106.97 less £23.53 tax )


S111 Local Government Act 1972
116.2 Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk)


S111 Local Government Act 1972
116.3 Invoice from Royal British Legion for the Christie Hall £910.00
Total £1016.97 
117 Planning
117.1 New Applications These will be on view to the public from 7.10pm Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Sched 1 Para 8
Name Address Work Planned Planning Ref Recommendation
117.1.1 CCC Land at Stibbington Outdoor Centre, Church Lane, Stibbington Retention of existing Terrapin building for education purposes


The Parish Council recommended approval as the buildings were used for educational purposes and nothing was changing.
117.1.2 PBoro Aero Club Sibson Airfield, Sibson Replacement clubhouse 0704077FUL After discussion the Parish Council recommended refusal because there are existing temporary buildings on the site and the council could not see the benefit in replacing an existing temporary building with another one. A previous planning application was for a permanent structure.
117.2 Amendments
Name Address Work Planned Planning Ref
117.2.1 The Haycock Hotel Wansford Amendments to original application only 0701258LBC0701257FUL Information only


118.1 Correspondence from Residents of the Parish – letter from the Christie Hall regarding the need to appoint a new treasurer. – The letter was read out and concern expressed about the urgent need to find a treasurer for the Christie Hall. Unfortunately no one knew of anyone likely to take on this role. Some suggestions were made about advertising in the Stamford Mercury and ‘Living Villages’ to include a job description so it was clear what the treasurer’s role wasAlso discussed was the recently received email from Wansford PC regarding their plans to withdraw from funding the Christie Hall. Cllr P Gatheral to contact the chair of Wansford PC.

Email also received from a local resident requesting an open meeting before a planning application was submitted. The clerk had already replied that this was not possible and the planning application must follow the normal procedure.










Correspondence requiring Council’s AttentionCambs ACRE survey re rural services – already completed and submitted.

Hunts DC – local development framework: core strategy: preferred options –information only

Hunts DC – funding opportunities – small scale environmental schemes- the deadline was already past for applications

Hunts DC – numbering of 28 Roman Drive – information only

Hunts DC – car parking strategy – draft action plan – clerk to complete questionnaire and submit

Hunts DC – 1APP, the biggest change to planning system – information only

CCC – consultation on 1APP, the national standard planning application form

Hunts DC – clean neighbourhoods and environment act – dog control orders –information only

CCC – Parish Paths Partnership applications for 2008/9 – Mrs Marleau agreed to complete this again on behalf of the Parish Council.












Other CorrespondenceCCC – new concessionary bus fare scheme – notice to go on notice boards

CCC- changes to mobile library routes from 7/1/08 – notice to go on notice boards

CCC – tackling congestion in Cambridgeshire – evening briefing, no one able to attend.

Cambs ACRE – member information – information received. Clerk to contact again to set up meeting to discuss the Parish Plan

Cambridgeshire local access forum – meetings and activities – information received. See clerk for details.

Defra – ways to tackle climate change leaflet. Leaflet handed out, no action necessary

CPALC AGM 2/2/08 booking forms – no one able to attend

Cambridgeshire Constabulary – substation watch – leaflets. See clerk for details

Tree Guardian magazine. See clerk for details

Clerks and Councils Direct Magazine See clerk for details

Hunts DC Arts Diary. See clerk for details

119 Traffic speeding along Elton Road in to WansfordRegarding the Open Meeting held on 10/1/08 – it was generally felt that the meeting had gone well but Parish Councillors expressed their disappointment that more residents had not attended the meeting.

A solution to be looked at near the 30mph sign to slow traffic which is not going to cause other dangers and accidents. The Highways Authority to be contacted to see if there are any alternatives that have not yet been discussed. They had already given their advice about putting a nib in the road when the scheme was looked at in 2000.

It was agreed that another traffic survey should be carried out so that up to date information was available.

It was pointed out that some of the traffic signage in the village needed renewing and CCC had already agreed to carry out this work. Clerk to chase.

120 Questions from Councillors – No smoking signs for bus shelters have been removed several times. Alternative fixing now necessary. – it was agreed that new signs would be put in place permanently.
121 Reports
121.1 Crime Report – PCSO Chamberlain has suggested Police surgeries to be held at the start of each meeting during the Open Forum. Letter received. Clerk to forward contact information for all parish councillors to PCSO Chamberlain.
122 Any Other Matters (Information/Questions Only – No Decisions) ·1 The weight limit on the bridge in Wansford is 2 tons which affects a lot of the local delivery vehicles. Cllr P Gatheral to discuss with Wansford PC whether this ought to be raised.

·2 Model Code of Conduct training 28/2/08 – clerk to attend.

123 Proposals and Recommendations – none
124 Impact of Resolutions on Crime Management in this Parish – none S17 Crime & Disorder Act 1998
125 Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday, 11th March 2008 at 7.30pm at the Environment Centre, Stibbington

11 March 2008

The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Tuesday, 11th March 2008 at 7.30pm.


Councillor S German Councillor J White Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk)
Councillor P Gatheral Councillor I Turner
Councillor A Coe Councillor J Weed

The Chairman, Cllr German opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.

Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm

PCSO B Chamberlain attended the meeting

24 Members of the public attended. Several questions were raised.

Is there any likelihood that a speed limit would be imposed on Elton Road. This is still being discussed with the District Council as an ongoing concern

Concern expressed about people parking on the footpath outside Chapel Court and who actually owned the path. PCSO Chamberlain will look into this.

Who will be responsible for the upkeep of the new path? Parish Council replied that no formal plans had been received for a new footpath.

Presentation given regarding proposed development at 105 Elton Road. The Parish Council explained that it could not comment on any proposal until the planning application was received from Hunts DC.

The Chairman, Cllr German closed the open forum at 7.40pm and reopened the meeting at 7.45pm.

Business Discussed

133 Apologies for Absence – Cllr M Bradshaw and District Cllr M McGuire
134 Approve Minutes of Meeting – 10th January 2008 Open Meeting15th January 2008

6th February 2008 (planning)

All minutes agreed to be a correct record by all councillors present

135 Review Actions from Meeting – any actions necessary included as separate agenda items.
136 Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – none
137 Business Expressly Required by Statute – none
138.1 FinanceAccounts @ 29th February 2008 community account £58.72

Business premium account £9847.95

138.2 To Receive ‘Budget Vs Spent’ Report – no comments raised as everything was within budget.
139 To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral):
139.1 Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk’s Salary £146.82 less £32.30 tax )


S111 Local Government Act 1972
139.2 Mrs S Kudlinski(Office Expenses)


S111 Local Government Act 1972
139.3 Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk)


S111 Local Government Act 1972
139.4 The Christie Hall – hire of hall for Open Meeting 10/1/08 £12.00 S111 Local Government Act 1972
139.5 CCC – streetlights maintenance and energy used £988.28 S111 Local Government Act 1972
Total £1149.10 All payments found to be in order. All councillors present agreed.
140 Planning Correspondence


Planning application 0702595OUT – 11 Old Great North Road, Stibbington. Appeal against Local Planning Authority’s decision to refuse permission, regarding replacing one dwelling with two dwellings. Information only.


Planning application 0704077FUL – Local Planning Authority permission granted contrary to Parish Council’s decision. Reasons given in enclosed papers. Information only.




Correspondence from Residents of the ParishLetter received regarding planning application 0800188FUL – 1 Chapel Court Wansford. The letter was read out. Concern expressed that although the parking space had been removed from the plans the proposed porch had not. The porch is still deemed to be incongruous with the historical importance of the building and could set a precedent for other properties to do the same
141.2 Correspondence requiring Council’s Attention
141.2.1 Hunts DC – Precept 2008/9 £11000 agreed – Information only.
141.2.2 Hunts DC – Code of recommended practice on Local Authority Publicity – Information only.
141.2.3 M & D Plumb Landscaping Services – letter to be sent saying the Parish Council is happy with current contractor.
141.2.4 Parish Charter questionnaire – copy sent off. The Chair expressed his thanks to Cllr J White for her comprehensive completion of the questionnaire.
141.2.5 CCC – speed limits leaflet – Information only.
141.2.6 CCC Highways – frequently asked questions – Information only.
141.2.7 CCC – Passenger Transport in Cambridgeshire – Information only.
141.2.8 Hunts DC – Council Tax consultation – Information only.
141.3 Other Correspondence
141.3.1 CPALC – First Board Report to Members 2 February 2008, including service level agreement – Information only.
141.3.2 Development Control Panel agenda for meeting 17 March 2008 – nothing being considered that affected this parish.
141.3.3 Audit Commission – Moore Stephens to be appointed as External Auditor. Notice of fees attached. Information only.
141.3.4 Cambs Police – next Neighbourhood Panel meeting 13 March 2008, Yaxley. As PCSO Chamberlain attended this meeting no real need to attend on this occasion.
141.3.5 CCC Trading Standards ‘InsideTrade’ magazine and other information – Information only.
141.3.6 Communities and Local Government – Orders and Regulations relating to the Conduct of Local Authority Members consultation document.
141.3.7 Hunts DC – Parish electoral review: final recommendations – Information only.
141.3.8 CCC – countryside access issues – Information only. Given to Cllr I Turner
141.3.9 CPALC – The Bulletin – Information only.
141.3.10 CPALC – latest training courses available – no training necessary at present.
141.3.11 Rural North, Oundle and Thrapston Plan – available on CD
141.3.12 NALC – Parish Partnership, model of an effective community anchor – Information only.
141.3.13 Northants CC – Northamptonshire Minerals and Waste Development Framework: Control and Management of Development – a discussion paper. Given to Cllr P Gatheral.
141.2.14 Arts Diary, Clerks and Councils Direct etc. – Information only.












Questions from Councillors – ·1 Quality Council Status – from papers received from CPALC it seems that most of the requirements are in place, now need to build a portfolio. To be discussed at next meeting. Clerk to contact CPALC for advice regarding the next step.

·2 Replacement windows on property on Elton Road, Wansford. Hunts DC planning dept has already been contacted. The windows must be removed within 6 months.

·3 Leaves on pavement outside the Christie Hall. This is mainly a problem in the Autumn. Clerk to check with Christie Hall Committee to see whose responsibility it is to clear the leaves when necessary.

·4 Increase in dog fouling Church Lane/Roman Drive. Include in next ‘Living Villages’ to make it clear that the Parish Council is prepared to report people for prosecution where necessary. Mrs Marleau agreed to obtain more warning stickers.

·5 Letter to Hunts DC re planning matters. Clerk to send a letter to Hunts DC planning dept to express the council’s concern with the perceived inconsistency of the decisions made recently and whether any notice is taken of the council’s recommendations. The council felt that at present it is being undermined causing councillors to consider their position as parish councillors.

143 Reports
143.1 Crime Report – PCSO Chamberlain gave a full report including;·1 A no parking sign for the verge opposite 1 Church Lane where lorries were persistently parking causing a hazard. Ownership of the land was to be checked with a view to the PC erecting a sign. City Signs would make a sign for £55 + VAT but this would not include a post. All present agreed to the council funding the sign and erecting it in agreement with the owner of the land.

·2 PCSO Chamberlain happy to carry out a traffic survey on Elton Road

·3 He is looking into having the weight limit on Wansford bridge increased in conjunction with Wansford PC.

·4 It was requested that if anyone notices camera crews filming motorcycles along Elton could it be reported as they are causing a nuisance and a section 59 warning could be enforced. (driving in a manner likely to cause alarm and distress to the public). This would mean that the personal details of any offender would be put on the police computer and if the person re-offended then the machine can be confiscated.

·5 Lorries parking on the road beyond the Stibbington Diner. As long as the lorries have their lights on and are parked facing the correct direction, there is no offence being committed. It was suggested that signs be erected saying that any parked vehicles must display their lights in this area. The verge is becoming damaged but Hunts DC unlikely to do anything about this.

The Chair thanked PCSO B Chamberlain for all his effort and continued support throughout the year.

144 Any Other Matters (Information/Questions Only – No Decisions)·1 It was noted that Wansford PC allocate Wansford Church £2000 out of their precept.

·2 Concern that Stibbington Church graveyard was becoming very overgrown despite monies allocated by the Parish Council to the church for that specific purpose.

145 Impact of Resolutions on Crime Management in this Parish – None S17 Crime & Disorder Act 1998
146 Date of Next Meeting
·1 Annual Parish Meeting Tuesday, 8th April 2008 at 7.30pm at the Environment Centre, Stibbington.

·2 Parish Council meeting Tuesday, 13th May 2008 7.30pm at the Environment Centre, Stibbington.


The Annual Parish Meeting for Sibson cum Stibbington Parish was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Tuesday, 8th April 2008 at 7.30pm.

Chairman’s Annual Report  2007-2008

The council has met some 15 times over the past year which consisted of 1 Annual parish meeting 7 normal business meetings 6 planning meetings and one special open meeting to discuss traffic calming measures.

The 7 normal business meetings discussed everything from finance, crime, councillors responsibilities, highways, speeding and the model code of conduct which we have to abide by as well as other issues which come up from time to time.


This is in much better shape now due to the increase in precept which was requested and forthcoming last year and us as a council being very prudent in keeping a tight budget, so we have now got a little room for manoeuvre as we have monies in reserve as we are all able to see from the accounts.


This is kept a close eye on and we are very pleased to say we have a very helpful P C S O in Barry Chamberlain. On behalf of the council I would like to thank him very much. Through him many small incidents are nipped in the bud which in my opinion is the sensible way to go. Crime in the village is very low the two main problems are speeding in the Parish and the weight limit on the bridge.

Councillors responsibilities

Everyone has taken on a job ranging from Chairman to finance including footpaths, street lights, road safety, crime, Christie Hall and other small jobs and will report if necessary at general P C business meetings. We are all contactable throughout the year if any member of the Parish has got an issue they would like raising.


We have met 6 times during the year and considered 17 planning applications; ranging from small conservatories to large houses. We take the issue of planning very seriously and keep strictly to the procedure to comply with the model code of conduct which we have all signed as councillors. This means we will not look at any planning application until it has come through the official route, which is through Huntingdonshire District Council. As a council will call a meeting to which anyone from the Parish is invited to attend and ask questions. I have a letter from C P A L C which clarifies several points.

Quality Council Status

The Council is still proceeding with this and now have most of the criteria in place.

Parish Plan

This is one of the more pressing issues we need to look at in the coming year
We called one open meeting during the year to discuss traffic calming in the main part of the village. It is an issue which has been discussed at length over the last ten years after the village had rejected the first scheme. The Parish Council decided to have another look at it and discuss it with the village as a whole. Our County Councillor and the Police attended the open meeting and spoke at it; They also answered questions as did members of the council. The conclusion which was arrived at is that the people did not want to ruin the street scene, so we have arranged a traffic survey to be done and depending on results of that council will investigate how to calm the traffic as it come into the village in the Christie Hall area. The big disappointment for the council is that there was such a small turnout of 17 people from the village.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our clerk Sue Kuldinski for all her hard work and effort in the past year without you Sue this Council could not work. Thank you.

I would also like to thank our County and District Councillor Mac McGuire who has always been helpful and given advice when we have needed it.

I would also like to thank my Vice Chairman Peter Gatheral whom has given me great support during this last year again I must say we don’t always agree but that is always good to discuss all sides of a debate. Thank you Peter.

Last of all my fellow councillors I thank you for all your support, thoughts and debate during the last year. Everyone gives up a lot of free time to serve on the council and I am sure the Parishioners all appreciate that, Thank you on behalf of everyone.

8 July 2008


The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Tuesday, 8th July 2008 at 7.30pm.


Councillor S German Councillor J White Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk)
Councillor P Gatheral Councillor A Coe

Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm

4 members of the public were present

A question was raised about the height of the buildings and the number of people likely to live in the proposed development at 105 Elton Road (item 42.1.1) and how this would affect existing services and neighbouring properties. Council noted the residents concerns and would consider them when discussing the planning application later in the meeting.

Residents noted that Hunts DC were doing an excellent job with the refuse collections and would like this to be passed to Hunts DC.

The Chairman, Cllr German opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.

Business Discussed

35 Apologies for Absence – Cllrs M Bradshaw and I Turner
36 Approve Minutes of Meeting – 13thMay 200810th June 2008 (planning)

Both sets of minutes were agreed by all present to be a true record of the meetings

37 Review Actions from Meeting – any actions required included as separate agenda items
38 Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – none
39 Business Expressly Required by Statute – none
4040.1 FinanceAccounts @ 30th June 2008 – community account £676.71

Business premium account £13313.89

41 To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral):
41.1 Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk’s Salary for May/June 2008 £192.97 less £38.59 tax )


S111 Local Government Act 1972
41.2 Mrs S Kudlinski(Office Expenses)


S111 Local Government Act 1972
41.3 Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk)


S111 Local Government Act 1972
41.4 Grant to Church in Stibbington £600.00Letter received and read out,thanking the Parish Council for the grant paid. Further clearing of the churchyards to be advertised in ‘Living Villages’.
Total £816.03
42 Planning
42.1 New Applications These will be on view to the public from 7.10pm Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Sched 1 Para 8
Name Address Work Planned Planning Ref
42.1.1 Mrs J Beaumont 105 Elton Road, Stibbington PE8 6JX Erection of 11 dwellings for the over 55s 0801655OUT Application discussed in closed session after the meeting had closed and recorded in a separate minute.
42.2 Determinations – information only
Name Address Work Planned Planning Ref Decision
42.2.1 Council repeated its concern about the porch and felt that Hunts DC were not acting in a sensitive manner towards the historical nature of the building 1 Chapel Court, Wansford Garden room and erection of porch 0800188FUL Planning permission granted
42.2.2 Stibbington Environment Centre Church Lane, Stibbington Retention of existing 22 bay modular terrapin building H/05029/07/CC Planning permission granted
42.2.3 Mr J Marshall Land at 83 Elton Rd, Stibbington Erection of dwelling 0800691FUL Planning permission refused


Development Control Panel meeting 14July 2008 – re planning reference 0801028FUL. Cllr A Coe to attend meeting, clerk to forward him the information.


43.1 Correspondence requiring Council’s Attention
43.1.1 Casual vacancy on parish council – no requests received by Hunts DC. If anyone expresses an interest in joining the council please let one of the councillors or the clerk know. Clerk to advertise the vacancy in ‘Living Villages’ giving a deadline of the September meeting.
43.1.2 Hunts DC local development framework: core strategy: submission – information only
43.1.3 East Northants Council – schedule of proposed changes
43.1.4 CCC – post office closures in Cambridgeshire – Cllr Gatheral to attend meeting in Huntingdon on 17/7/08 and to feed back information at September meeting.
43.1.5 Hunts DC – councillors’ code of conduct and declarations of interest information only
43.1.6 Hunts DC – overview and scrutiny annual report 2007/8 – information only
43.1.7 CCC – jointly funded minor improvements schemes – 2009/10 bidding round. Could bid for monies regarding traffic calming measures. Item to be put on agenda for January 2009 in preparation for the bidding round in July 2009.
43.1.8 North Northants Joint Planning – update information only
44 Questions from Councillors
44.1 5 Church Lane – update. Following complaints received regarding this property Hunts DC planning enforcement have been looking into the problems and will report back to the council.
44.2 Sibson Airfield – flight paths. Cllr A Coe to contact the airfield.
44.3 Traffic survey – information only
44.4 Break in at Bradshaw’s. Although people were caught on Bradshaw’s premises no arrests followed.
45 Reports
45.1 Crime Report – nothing received
46 Any Other Matters (Information/Questions Only – No Decisions)
47 Impact of Resolutions on Crime Management in this Parish – none S17 Crime & Disorder Act 1998
48 Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday, 9th September 2008 at 7.30pm at the Environment Centre, Stibbington


42.1.1 Proposed Development – 105 Elton Road ref.0801655OUT

Sibson cum Stibbington Parish Council recommend refusal

(Where bullet points are referred to these refer to the applicant’s outline design and access statement.)

This proposed development is almost at the southern end of the property ribbon alongside Elton Road.

Elton Road is a de-restricted road and the residents and Parish Council already have concerns over the speeding traffic along this stretch of road. An open meeting held on 10 Jan 2008 included residents, Police, Highways and District and County Council representatives. It concluded that it was unlikely that a lower speed limit could be imposed on this stretch of road. We should not be encouraging more pedestrian or cyclist traffic along this road.

Aimed at over 55s, this must be considered as an ‘aging’ community. The situation, almost on the outskirts of the built-up area, is too isolated from the village facilities and the occupants would become increasingly insular.

Although a contribution to a footpath is welcome, previous enquiries on behalf of Waters Edge showed that there was no HDC footpath funding available, and it is therefore unlikely that funding would be available for a path twice that length to a smaller development.

All properties along Elton Road are single or double storey, single occupancy dwellings. This proposal is for a multi-occupancy, 3-storey complex.

The proposed development is too big for the size of the site.

Relevance to Waters Edge and other applications

The applicant makes reference to 365 day holiday home/2nd home use of Waters Edge (2.3.17). Waters Edge was granted planning consent under holiday home/2nd home provision, but the occupancy is an enforcement issue, not a planning issue. Although some of the residents at the proposed development may own 2nd properties abroad (as mentioned in the Design Statement) it is for main residency/permanent occupancy. Therefore there is little relevance to Waters Edge for planning purposes.

As regards similarities in situation, Waters Edge is not in the middle of existing properties, and has only 1 neighbour. It has also re-developed a previously run down brown field site.

HDC recently refused a planning application for a single dwelling at No 83 Elton Road on increased traffic and access to facilities grounds.


It is right that the Parish Council should look to the future development of the Parish as an overall, cohesive strategy which should provide maximum benefits to the community as a whole. While it is true that we have a high proportion of middle – older age people, it does not mean that we should prioritise their requirements. Although this development is environmentally sound and has enviable green credentials, its position on the edge of the built-up area will not to bring benefit and growth to our village. There may be a small ‘windfall’ benefit to the village if current residents decide to ‘downsize’ and take up ownership of these properties and then sell their own, but this would only free up property at the upper end of the price ladder.

For our community to grow and prosper we should be encouraging development to meet the needs of younger families. The Parish Council is working on a parish plan to consider this type of issue for the future.

9 September 2008

The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Tuesday, 9th September 2008 at 7.30pm.


Councillor P Gatheral Councillor J White Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk)
Councillor A Coe Councillor I Turner
Councillor M Bradshaw

Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm and Cllr P Gatheral introduced himself to the residents present an explained that he would be conducting the meeting

Six members of the public were present

During the Open Forum, Mrs Marleau, the representative for footpaths for the parish council, detailed the meeting she had had with Mr J Cooper from Hunts DC regarding the various foot paths in the parish. Mr Cooper is keen to link the 2 sides of the A1 with a footpath but this will but for the future and there is still a lot to be discussed. Mr Cooper is to be invited to the next parish council meeting so that he can outline the footpath provision already available in the parish as well as supply a definitive map.

Questions asked included:

Could a copy of the minutes be put in a public place for residents to read as space on the notice boards was limited. Clerk will enquire at the shop to see if they are happy to keep a copy.

The ‘Living Villages’ articles does not contain enough news about what was happening. Clerk to include as much information as possible as appropriate.

Who is responsible for repairs to footpaths as there was a dangerous pothole on the footpath on Roman Drive. Clerk to contact CC Highways and report pothole.

The Vice Chair, Cllr P Gatheral opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.

Business Discussed

49 Apologies for Absence – Cllr Gatheral read out a letter from Cllr German which gave his resignation from the parish council due to personal reasons and his apologies for not attending the meeting.Apologies also received from District Cllr Maguire and PCSO Chamberlain.
50 Approve Minutes of Meeting – 8th July 2008 – all present agreed that the minutes were a true record of the meeting and Cllr Gatheral signed them.
51 Review Actions from Meeting – ·1 response to advertisement for vacancy for a parish councillor – A response received from Margery Beutell , who is to be invited to meet the parish councillors and then co-opted on to the parish council.

·2 Update on Post Office closures following meeting 17/7/08 – 2 councillors attended the meeting which was held in Huntingdon. At present the Post Office in Wansford will not be closing. However, the same process of closures is likely to be carried out again in the future as the government wishes to close 2500 post offices as 60% are still unprofitable.untingdon. At present

·3 All other actions included as separate agenda items

52 Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – none
53 Business Expressly Required by Statute – none
5454.1 FinanceAccounts @ 31st August 2008 community account £110.68

Business premium account £13063.89

55 To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral):
55.1 Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk’s Salary for July/Aug 2008 £ 75.37less £15.07 tax )


S111 Local Government Act 1972
55.2 Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk)


S111 Local Government Act 1972
Total £75.37 All present agreed all payments in order and correct.
56 Planning
56.1 New Applications These will be on view to the public from 7.20pm Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Sched 1 Para 8
Name Address Work Planned Planning Ref Recommendation
56.1.1 Mr F Howard Stibbington Manor, Church Lane Stibbington Alterations to Coach House to incorporate garage doors 0802334FULand 0802335LBC Recommend approval as the proposal makes good practical use of an existing building.
56.2 Amendments


Application 0801491FUL – amended design of front porch and garage repositioned and reduced in size. The proposed amendment makes no difference to the Parish Council’s original comments. No information was provided regarding the revised pplans for the porch.
56.3 Current enforcement cases
56.3.1 18 Elton RD Wansford UPVC windows fitted without consent 0800077ENLBC Applications submitted, awaiting decision Clerk to contact Hunts DC enforcement officer
56.3.2 5 Church Lane, Stibbington Business from home 08000224ENUDOM Awaiting contact
56.3.3 28 Roman Drive Stibbington Not in accordance with permission 0700237ENPLAN No harm being caused. File closed.


57.1 Correspondence from Residents of the Parish – none received
57.2 Correspondence – paper copies received
57.2.1 Hunts DC – Parish Charter for Huntingdonshire – copies available from clerk
57.2.2 Hunts DC – Huntingdonshire Flood Forum – noone able to attend meeting . Clerk to request that copies of the minutes are sent to the parish council after the meeting on 15.10.08
57.2.3 Hunts DC – Accessibility Action Plan – clerk to complete questionnaire
57.2.4 Hunts DC – Parish planting 2008/2009 and Tree Guardian Magazine. Details given to Cllr M Bradshaw for Trustees of J Paxton. Clerk to register an interest in the scheme.
57.2.5 Huntingdon Citizens Advice Bureau – requesting financial assistance – not included in the parish councils budget therefore no monies to be sent.
57.2.6 CPALC – training courses available and dates
57.2.7 Cambs ACRE – rural services survey 2007 report – information only
57.2.8 Northants minerals and waste development – locations for waste development: supplementary preferred options – information only. Exhibition in Wansford Village Hall on 11/9/08 councillors to visit if possible and feedback any relevant information.
57.2.9 Cambridgeshire local involvement network – LINK – introduction of new group. Anyone interested in being involved in the group please see clerk.
57.2.10 CCC – countryside access team annual report 2007/08 – please see clerk if you would like to see the report.
57.2.11 CCC – Cambridgeshire’s Childcare Sufficiency assessment 2007/08 summary – please see clerk if you would like to see the report.
57.3 Correspondence received via email and copied to disk
57.3.1 Cambs Rural Forum – noone available to attend
57.3.2 Carbon Footprint meetings – new group set up – noone available at present to attend meetings
57.3.3 Capital Grant –no schemes in hand at present to bid for
57.3.4 COPR letter- information only
57.3.5 East of England Plan – information only
57.3.6 Northants Core Spatial Strategy – information only
57.3.7 Hunts DC – Community Safety Partnership – meeting on 17/9/08
58 Questions from Councillors ·1 Condition of roadside outside Stibbington Diner – condition is deteriorating and becoming a safety issue. Clerk to establish who is responsible for the cleanliness of the road as presently the road markings are being obscured by the amount of debris on the road surface. Clerk to write to Hunts DC.

·2 Condition of village sign i.e. on bridge. Clerk to chase up replacement signs.

·3 Car parking, particularly outside the Haycock. Clerk towrite to the Haycock Hotel requesting that they encourage their customers to use the car park and not use parking spaces on the roadside that would then cause nuisance to residents of the village.

·4 Planes over the village. The airfield is operating within its licence agreement. However if there are any problems phone the airfield with dates and times of the problem. The owner has given his assurance that he will follow up complaints.

59 Reports
59.1 Crime Report – report received from PCSO B Chamberlain for period up to 13/7/08
60 Any Other Matters (Information/Questions Only – No Decisions) – none
61 Impact of Resolutions on Crime Management in this Parish – none S17 Crime Disord Act 1998
62 Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 11th November 2008 at 7.30pm at the Environment Centre, Stibbington


15 October 2008

The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 15th October 2008 at 7.30pm.


Councillor A Coe Councillor J White Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk)
Councillor M Bradshaw Councillor I Turner

Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm

County and District Councillor Maguire was present

Cllr A Coe welcomed everyone to the meeting and pointed out that a chair for the meeting needed to be appointed. See 69 below.

The Chairman, Cllr Gatheral opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.

Business Discussed

68 Apologies for Absence – Cllr P Gatheral
69 Election of councillor to act as Chairman in the absence of Councillor Gatheral – Cllr A Coe was proposed by Cllr Bradshaw and seconded by Cllr I Turner
70 Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – Cllr M Bradshaw, prejudicial interest in 71.1.1
71 Planning
71.1 New Applications These will be on view to the public from 7.30pm Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Sched 1 Para 8
Name Address Work Planned Planning Ref Recommendation
71.1.1 Mr and Mrs A Hull 61 Church Lane StibbingtonPE8 6LP Erection of two storey dwelling to replace existing 0802570FUL Recommend approval because it will improve the street scene and the site visually. Note: in the application there was no mention of the retention or disposal of the mobile homes also on the site.
72 Proposed development of a travellers’ site in Wansford by Peterborough City Council – Cllr Maguire outlined what he had learned so far regarding the proposal. Wansford Parish Council were proposing to fight any decision. Cllrs Bradshaw and Coe had attended an emergency meeting on 8/10/08 with Wansford Parish Council.The travellers do have to have somewhere to go to. Probably better if they are sited in designated areas rather than on grass verges etc. Peterborough City Council has looked at other possible sites. PCC officers have identified the Wansford site but City Councillors have ‘called in’ the decision, which means it now has to be looked at by full council.

Up to this point there would not necessarily have been any local consultation as this occurs at the planning stage. The District Council and the police are now aware of the controversy. The land has still to be acquired by PCC.

Purpose of this meeting is to decide whether this parish council supports Wansford PC

Proposal; Sibson cum Stibbington Parish Council supports Wansford Parish Council in the matter of the proposed travellers’ transit site.

All councillors present agreed that the parish council should support Wansford PC.

Wansford PC has called a public meeting to be held on Friday, 17th October 2008 7.30pm at the Christie Hall. Councillor Maguire also intends to be at this meeting. Clerk t let Wansford PC know.

73 Impact of Resolutions on Crime Management in this Parish – Should the proposed travellers’ transit site be implemented then there could be a perceived rise in crime. S17 Crime & Disorder Act 1998
74 Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday, 11th November 2008 at 7.30pm at the Environment Centre, Stibbington

11 November 2008

The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Tuesday, 11th November 2008 at 7.30pm.


Councillor P Gatheral Councillor I Turner Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk)
Councillor A Coe
Councillor M Bradshaw

Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm

2 members of the public were present.

Question raised about the overgrown hedge and overhanging tree on the footpath at the back of Roman Drive. Cllr Bradshaw to mention to resident.

Mr John Cooper – see point 81 below

The Chairman, Cllr Gatheral opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.

Business Discussed

75 Apologies for Absence – Cllr J White, District and County Cllr Maguire and PCSO B Chamberlain
76 Approve Minutes of Meeting – 9thSeptember 200825th September 2008 (planning)

15th October 2008 (planning)

All present agreed the minutes to be a true record of the meetings.

77 Review Actions from Meeting – all actions included as separate agenda items
78 Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – none
79 Election of vice chair – Councillor A Coe was proposed by Cllr Gatheral and seconded by Cllr Turner. Cllr Coe accepted the position but pointed out that at times he was unavailable due to other commitments.
80 To co-opt a parish councillor – Margery Beuttell was proposed by Cllr Gatheral and seconded by Cllr Bradshaw. This was to take effect immediately. Cllr Beuttell was welcomed on to the Parish Council.
81 Parish footpaths – Mr J Cooper. Mr Cooper represents Cambridgeshire County Council as the parish paths liaison officer for Huntingdonshire. The aim is to improve, maintain and promote Public Rights of Way. In this area most paths are in good order and the parish path partnership is keen to improve access for people of all abilities. With this in mind Mr Cooper is currently looking at how footpaths on either side of the A1 can be linked safely so people do not have to cross the A1. This will be a long term project but as details become known they will be published.New maps have been received by the council. Cllrs Gatheral and Coe have copies.
8282.1 FinanceAccounts @ 31st October 2008 community account £635.31

Business premium account £17997.51

82.2 To Receive ‘Budget Vs Spent’ Report – current position reported by clerk
83 To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral):
83.1 Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk’s Salary for October 2008 £135.20 less £27.04 tax )


S111 Local Government Act 1972
83.2 Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk) £27.04 S111 Local Government Act 1972
83.3 Moore Stephens Annual Audit Fee £174.29 S111 Local Government Act 1972
83.4 Cambridgeshire Acre Insurance £422.27 S111 Local Government Act 1972
Total £731.76All payments found to be in order and were authorised by Cllr Gatheral
84 Review insurance cover – fidelity insurance. The amount of fidelity insurance was considered to be adequate at present.
85 Review membership of Cambridgeshire ACRE including annual review of organisation – renew membership
86 Precept 2009/2010 – precept of £11000 applied for. Proposed Cllr Coe and seconded Cllr Gatheral.
87 Planning
87.1 New applications
87.1.1 NameMr and Mrs W Knowles AddressLand opposite

12 Gt North R Stibbington

Work PlannedErection of replacement summer house Planning Ref0803115FUL Recommend-ationApproval – the proposal reflects the rural environment and has no detrimental effect on the site or local area. Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Sched 1 Para 8


Current enforcement cases


18 Elton Rd Wansford. 0800077ENLBCA – UPVC windows fitted to a listed building without consent. Windows still in place. Planning enforcement team following this up.


5 Church Lane Stibbington 0800224ENUDOM – business from home. Planning enforcement team following this up.


Planning appeals decisions


83 Elton Rd Stibbington – appeal dismissed – information only


The Old Coach House London Road Wansford – appeal dismissed – information only


88.1 Correspondence from Residents of the Parish Post Office in Wansford is to remain open.
88.2 Correspondence requiring Council’s Attention
88.2.1 Hunts DC – flood forum notes of meeting held on 15/10/08 – information only
88.2.2 Hunts DC – no requests to fill vacancy for a parish councillor
88.2.3 Hunts DC – local development framework: consultation on the submission core strategy site allocation representations – information only
88.2.4 Hunts DC – funding opportunities – small scale environmental schemes. Cllr Gatheral to speak to Mr Winfrey to see if the church might be interested in applying through the Parish Council
88.2.5 Hunts DC – Pitt review recommendation 2- surface water flooding data gathering. Clerk to complete and send off.
88.2.6 CPALC – constitution·1 Agenda for meeting 17/11/08 – no one able to attend

·2 Agenda for AGM 6/12/08 and accounts – no one able to attend

·3 Training – suitable courses to be arranged for Cllr Beuttell

·4 Note on banking crisis – information only

88.2.7 Cambridgeshire Together –engaging Parish Councils – meeting 2/12/08 – no one able to attend
88.2.8 PCC – consultation on Peterborough’s planning policies and site allocations development planning documents – information only
88.2.9 Northants CC – minerals and waste development framework – information only
88.2.10 Communities and local government – ·1 communities in control – consultation

·2 the making and enforcement of byelaws – consultation

Both booklets to be retained by clerk for future reference.

88.2.11 ParishWatch – constitution and minutes. Chair and secretary were elected and group agreed to meet annually and/or as necessary.
88.2.12 COMMA – new community aggregate fund – information only
88.2.13 Faded street signs – clerk to contact Highways again and check timescale and also that the new signs to match the signs on the Wansford side of the bridge.
88.2.14 Standards committee – no one free to attend
89 Questions from Councillors ·1 Builders debris left on side of road. Cllr Gatheral to speak to developer
90 Reports
90.1 Crime Report – see separate sheet forwarded from PCSO Chamberlain.
90.2 Landfill site at Thornhaugh – feedback from meeting – Cllr Bradshaw At present landfill sites are being continued but concern re state of roads and whether they need upgrading. 2 Thornhaugh sites are the preferred options, 1 for inert waste and the other for hazardous waste.
91 Any Other Matters (Information/Questions Only – No Decisions)·2 Nene Valley Railway looking to raise funds to purchase the old station building. Parish Council unable to help financially but supports the actions of the NVR and encourages the NVR to improve relationship with the local community.

·3 Road outside Stibbington Diner. CCC Highways still have not cleared the drains. Clerk to let Cllr Maguire know. At present no action is planned to improve the road as too expensive.

92 Impact of Resolutions on Crime Management in this Parish – none S17 Crime & Disorder Act 1998
93 Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday, 13th January 2009 at 7.30pm at the Environment Centre, Stibbington



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