January 2010
The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 6th January 2010 at 7.30pm.
Councillor P Gatheral | Councillor I Turner | |
Councillor A Coe | Councillor M Bradshaw | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk) |
Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm
3 members of the public were present.
The Chairman, Cllr Gatheral opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.
Business Discussed
113 | Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absenceCouncillor J White – due to illness
Councillor J Roberts – on holiday Councillor M Beuttell – due to illness PCSO B Chamberlain |
114 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda.Cllr I Turner personal interest in item 120.1.1
Cllr P Gatheral prejudicial interest in item 120.1.2 |
115 | Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes.The UPVC windows still in place at 18 Elton Rd, Wansford. Planning enforcement action in place. |
116 | Approve Minutes of Meeting – 2ndDecember 20099th December 2009 (planning)
All present agreed that both sets of minutes were a true record of each meeting. |
117 | Review Actions from Meeting – listed as separate agenda items |
118 118.1 | FinanceAccounts @ 31st December 2009 Community account
£13.03 Business premium account £22826.02 |
118.2 | To Receive ‘Budget Vs Spent’ ReportCopies of the latest figures handed out and discussed. All payments to date within budget. Cost of 2 phone boxes to be adopted not included but this is £2. |
119 | To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral): |
119.1 | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk’s Salary for December 2009 £96.07 less £19.22 tax )
£76.85 |
119.2 | Mrs S Kudlinski (Office Expenses)
£8.40 |
119.3 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk)
£19.22 |
119.4 | CCC – removal of street light bracket from BT pole
£486.52 |
£590.99 All present agreed that the above payments were in order. |
120 | Planning |
120.1 | New Applications These will be on view to the public from 7.30pm |
120.1.1 |
Planning application 0901575FULLand adjacent to 99 Elton Road Stibbington – erection of a single dwelling to replace 2 previously approved dwellings
Recommend approval because the neighbouring properties would be well screened from the proposal and the whole proposal is likely to enhance the site and the local area. |
120.1.2 |
Cllr P Gatheral left the meeting while the following item was discussed.Planning application 0901579LBC
Stibbington Hall, Church Lane, Stibbington – creation of a new window and removal of an existing window and replace with doors. Removal of door and replace with a window and internal alterations. Recommend approval because the proposal does not visually alter the public face of the building. Cllr P Gatheral returned to the meeting. |
120.2 |
Appeal decision – land to rear of 16 – 24 Elton Road Wansford. Appeal dismissed. Information only. Local residents had also been informed. |
121 |
Correspondence |
121.1.2 121.1.3 121.1.4 |
Correspondence requiring Council’s AttentionCPALC – training courses and dates. Dates noted. Clerk to check again with Wansford and Elton Parish Councils to see if they would like to share training and costs if it was to be held locally.
Citizens advice bureau – request for donation. Discussion re benefit to local residents unlikely. Council will not donate money. CCC – provision of salt bins. All agreed it would be a good idea to have salt bins sited locally. Clerk to contact CCC to make the arrangements. Peterborough Cycle West Project and a new cycle route to A1. Discussion took place. In principal it was agreed that the parish council did not have any objection to the project but would like more information. Clerk to invite representatives to the next meeting to give a presentation. |
121.2.3 121.2.4 121.2.5 |
Other CorrespondenceFlood Forum minutes. Cllr Coe to review minutes.
Adopt a kiosk scheme – update. The unmetered electricity supply has now been arranged ready for when the phone boxes are adopted. Paper work has been sent to BT and now awaiting completion. Payment of £2 to be made when requested. Ideas for possible use of the boxes discussed. Clerk to ask for suggestions through ‘Living Villages’. Wildlife training workshops. Cllr I Turner to review. Community action magazine. Information only. Music and Arts diaries. Information only. |
122 | Questions from Councillors |
123.2 |
Reports Neighbourhood Forums, meeting 15.12.09 – Cllr A Coe. 33 parish councils invited only 5 represented. Also included now are NHS, Fire and Rescue, Police, County Council, District Council as well as Parish Councils. Meetings will be held every 3 months, starting on 20/01/10 at Sawtry Infants School. Cllr Coe to attend next meeting if possible.
Notice board update. Awaiting exact dimensions of proposed boards so clerk can apply to planning dept for permitted development. |
124 | Crime Report – none received. |
125 | Any Other Matters (Information/Questions Only – No Decisions)Conservation area – permitted development. This item to go on agenda for February.
·1 Some meetings to be held at the Christie Hall beginning with February (4/2/10) meeting but will have to be held on a Thursday as the hall is booked on Wednesdays. Annual parish meeting also to be held at the Christie Hall – Thursday, 15th April 2010. ·2 Travellers have moved from the ‘Little Chef’ site. ·3 Some railings from bridge over A1 have been removed. Wansford PC/Highways. ·4 Neighbourhood Watch speed camera training – several residents agreed that they were willing to be trained and would be prepared to use the speed cameras locally. Clerk to raise this with PCSO Chamberlain. |
126 | Date of Next Meeting |
Thursday, 4th February 2010 at 7.30pm at the Christie Hall, Elton Road, Wansford. | |
February 2010
The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Thursday, 5th February 2010 at 7.30pm.
Councillor P Gatheral | Councillor J White | |
Councillor A Coe | Councillor I Turner | |
Councillor M Beuttell | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk) |
Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm
4 local residents were present
2 representatives from Peterborough Cycle West Project present
The Chairman, Cllr Gatheral opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.
Business Discussed
127 | Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absenceCllr M Bradshaw – work commitments
Cllr J Roberts – holiday |
128 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – personal and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda.Cllr P Gatheral in item 132 – permitted development in a conservation area. |
129 | Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes.·1 policing policy – nothing received so far.
·2 Street lighting – to be discussed later in the agenda see item 137.1 |
130 | Peterborough Cycle West Project – a new cycle route to A1. Presentation by Mr A Nash and Mr B GibsonThis project is looking to set up a safe cycle route from Peterborough Green Wheel to the west of the A1 as only route at present is along the A47. The project is a formal group now and is in discussion with PCC and the Nene Park Trust who are major landowners for parts of the proposal. They have also been in contact with the National Cycle Association. All parties are keen to pursue the project. Their aims and objectives are set out in a separate document. Clerk has a copy. This would not just be a route for cyclists.
Maps of proposed routes were handed out – clerk has a copy. The project is to apply for grant funding to finance an engineers report and to apply to planning. The project is approaching large grant funding bodies and would probably only ask the parish councils for a contribution towards start up costs. At present the dismantled railway is the preferred route. Specific questions raised; ·1 Lane past Matthias House to boatyard – owner of land uncertain ·2 The field next to River Nene does flood regularly ·3 Parish Council would like to be kept up to date In principal all councillors at the meeting in favour of the project. |
131 | Approve Minutes of Meeting – 6th January 2010. All present agreed these were a true record of the meeting. |
132 | Review Actions from Meeting – ·1 Parish Walk – date Saturday, 20th March 2010, 2pm to meet in car park of the Environment Centre, Stibbington.
·2 Noticeboard – clerk to establish dimensions and contact Hunts DC planning dept. ·3 Donation to Stibbington churchyard gates – after discussion all present agreed to consider a contribution of 50% of invoice with a maximum of £500. Clerk to request a copy of invoice for next meeting. ·4 Permitted development in a conservation area. Cllr P Gatheral left the meeting while discussion took place. Cllr Coe explained that there had been complaints from residents as to what is or is not permitted development within a conservation order as there had been several planning enforcement notices issued. Specifically replacement windows and recently satellite dishes. Both need to have planning permission. Clerk to put an article in next ‘Living Villages’ magazine and put a map showing conservation area on notice board. Cllr Gatheral returned to meeting. |
133 133.1 | FinanceAccounts @ 31st January 2010 Community account £112.04
Business premium account £21328.83 |
133.2 | To Receive ‘Budget Vs Spent’ Report – available at the meeting. |
133.3 | Council Tax – precept 2010/2011 – set at £11000. |
134 | To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral): |
134.1 | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk’s Salary for January 2010 £93.94 less £18.79 tax )
£75.15 |
134.2 | Mrs S Kudlinski (Office Expenses)
£58.77 |
134.3 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk)
£18.79 |
134.4 | Royal British Legion – Christie Hall
£910.00 |
£1062.71 All present agreed the above payments to be in order. |
135 | Planning |
135.1 | New Applications These will be on view to the public from 7.30pm |
135.1.1 |
Application reference 1000041FUL. Amendment to application 0900084FUL to incorporate single attached garage. River Meadow, Gt North Road, StibbingtonRecommend approval because the proposal will enhance the site and the existing property. It will not have a detrimental effect on the surrounding area or any other local properties. |
135.1.2 |
Application reference 1000076LBC. Alterations and refurbishment of 15 Elton Road, Wansford.No observations either in favour or against the proposal. |
135.2 |
Amendments to applications |
135.2.1 |
Application reference 0901174FUL. River Meadow, Gt North Road, Stibbington. Proposed garage and store following demolition of existing structure. Aboricultural report now received and amended drawings. Recommend approval because the proposal will enhance the site and the existing property. It will not have a detrimental effect on the surrounding area or any other local properties. |
136 |
Planning enforcement cases·1 18 Elton Road, Wansford
·2 5 Church Lane, Stibbington ·3 1 Chapel Court, Wansford ·4 22 Elton Road, Wansford 2 of the above cases have been on going for a long time. Parish Councillors felt that nothing was happening that had any effect. Chair had spoken to County and District Councillor regarding this. All agreed clerk to write to Head of Planning Services. |
137 |
Correspondence |
137.1 | Correspondence from Residents of the Parish. ·1 Removal of streetlight on Elton Road, Wansford. Clerk to write back acknowledging residents concerns and explain that at present the street light would not be replaced. |
137.2.2 137.2.3 137.2.4 137.2.5 137.2.6 |
Correspondence requiring Council’s AttentionDeposit of parish council funds with Hunts DC. Information only, not required.
Hunts DC Local development framework – Advance notice of strategic housing land availability assessment 9SHLAA) consultation. Cllr Gatheral to review. CCC – discovering places, events and dates. Information only. CCC – Mass vaccination of community H1N1 swine flu. Information only. CCC – Highways surveys. Information only. CCC – consultation on Cambs third local transport plan. Information only. |
137.3.2 137.3.3 137.3.4 137.3.5 137.3.6 137.3.7 137.3.8 |
Other CorrespondencePCC – core strategy development plan document (DPD) – proposed submission stage. DVD available.
NALC – standing orders for local councils. To be put on next meeting’s agenda as new STOs need to be adopted. NALC – leadership academies – training. Information only. NALC – national training survey. Information only. NALC – CPALC benefits of belonging to a local association and summary of advice. Information only. Cambridgeshire Horizons – Green infrastructure strategy for Cambridgeshire – public consultation events. Clerk to let Mrs Fisher have details. NHS feedback for Hinchingbrooke Hospital proposal – next step news. Information only. PCC – Cambs and PBoro Minerals and Waste Plan meeting 19/2/10. Information only. |
138 | Questions from Councillors·1 Retaining wall for A1 at Great North Road, Stibbington.
Cllr Coe has spoken to AMEYs – Highways contractor – who have agreed that the wall is in need of repair as large cracks have appeared and the wall is leaning. Job reference 8868411. |
139 | Reports ·2 Neighbourhood forum – Cllr A Coe.
All services were invited to the meeting but meeting aimed at the public. If any one has a problem the forum will listen to the concerns and get answers. Cllr Coe mentioned planning enforcement cases and planning generally. |
140 | Crime Report – report received from PCSO B Chamberlain and distributed. |
141 | Any Other Matters (Information/Questions Only – No Decisions)·3 Stibbington Diner developments – owner needs to apply for planning permission before anything further is done.
·4 HGV lorry using bridge in Wansford – Cllr Beuttell to report to company and Police. ·5 Litter collection mentioned in ‘Living Villages’. Cllr Gatheral to check where and when this is to take place. |
142 | Date of Next Meeting |
Wednesday, 3rd March 2010 at 7.30pm at the Environment Centre, Stibbington |
March 2010
The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 3rd March 2010 at 7.30pm.
Councillor A Coe | Councillor J White | |
Councillor M Bradshaw | Councillor I Turner | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk) |
Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm
4 local residents also attended the meeting
The Vice chair, Cllr Coe opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.
Business Discussed
143 | Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absenceCouncillor P Gatheral – other commitments
Councillor M Beuttell – on holiday Councillor J Roberts PCSO B Chamberlain District and County Cllr Maguire |
144 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda.None declared for this meeting. |
145 | Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutesQuestion raised about what had happened to the actual street light bracket that CCC removed. It had not been returned to the parish council. |
146 | Approve Minutes of Meeting – 5th February 2010Amendment to item 137.1 – it is the intention to replace the street light at some point as it is the intention to do so with any street light that is currently a bracket on a shared pole. However this will not be done until a full assessment is carried out and finance is in place to undertake the work. |
147 | Review Actions from Meeting – all items included as separate agenda items |
148 148.1 | FinanceAccounts @ 28th February 2010 Community account
£218.10 Business premium account £21128.83 |
148.2 | To Receive ‘Budget Vs Spent’ Report. To be made available on the night. |
149 | To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral): |
149.1 | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk’s Salary for February 2010 £145.18 less £29.04 tax )
£116.14 |
149.2 | Mrs S Kudlinski (Travel Expenses)
£22.40 |
149.3 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk)
£29.04 |
149.4 | CCC invoice for streetlights
£1576.10 |
149.5 | Clerk – home working expenses
£348.67 |
149.6 | Christie Hall rental for February meeting
£12.00 |
149.7 | BT Adopt a Kiosk Scheme
£2.00 |
£2118.35 All present agreed the above payments to be in order. |
150 | Planning – to consider the following applications and give a response |
150.1 | New Applications These will be on view to the public from 7.30pm |
150.1.1 |
Planning application reference 1000200FUL – proposed porch extension, The Old Coach House, London Road, Wansford Recommend approval because the proposal will not affect any neighbouring properties and is not detrimental to the street scene. |
150.2 |
Planning – appeal decision. 21 Gt North Road Stibbington – appeal dismissed. Information only. |
151 |
Parish Walk – 20th March 2010. Meet at 2pm in the car park of the Environment Centre, Stibbington. |
152 |
Adopt a Kiosk Scheme – new contract received. Decision which option to take up needed.All present agreed that option one should be selected, where BT remains responsible for the electricity supply. Clerk to complete and return the new contract reflecting this along with payment of £2. |
153 |
New Standing Orders for Local Authorities – to be reviewed and adopted. Hardcopy to be purchased from CPALC. Hard copy now received from CPALC costing £25. It was proposed that everyone read the new Standing Orders prior to the next meeting. It will be put on the agenda for the next meeting to adopt the new Standing Orders if everyone agrees. |
154 |
Correspondence |
154.1.2 |
Correspondence from Residents of the ParishCopy of invoice from Stibbington Church regarding repair of churchyard gates. All present agreed that the parish council should contribute £500 under S137 to the church in respect of these repairs.
Road markings, London Rd, Wansford – Highways response. Information only. |
154.2 | Correspondence requiring Council’s Attention |
154.2.1 | NALC – towards a development strategy and business plan 2010 – 2015. Consultation paper, initial draft development strategy and business plan and a questionnaire to be considered.Cllr J White to review the papers and item to be included on the next agenda. |
154.2.2 | Code of recommended practice on local authority publicity. The parish council is not intending to publish anything between this meeting and the forthcoming election. No one has any undisclosed political affiliation. |
154.2.3 | New Rural Strategy – for public consultation. Feedback by 23/4/10. Discussion how this could affect the parish and how it strengthens the need for a Parish Plan. To include on the next agenda as consultation deadline 23/4/10. |
154.3 | Other Correspondence |
154.3.1 | Hunts DC – kerbside glass recycling. From 29/3/10 it will be possible to put glass in the blue recycling bins. However the recycling banks at the Christie Hall does provide the Hall with a good source of income, where possible could residents continue to use them. Clerk to include in next Living Villages article. |
154.3.2 | PCC – Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste draft supplementary planning documents – consultation 15/2/10 to 29/3/10. Documentation to be reviewed. Nothing in the documents relates to this parish the closest affected is Thornhaugh. |
154.3.3 | CPALC – training calendar and bulletin. Training discussed. All agreed that some training from the planning dept at Hunts DC would be appropriate. Clerk to contact the dept to see if this is possible. Planning officers will be attending the next neighbourhood forum meeting in April. Further training needs to be reviewed in May or after the election. |
154.3.4 | Cambridgeshire Horizons – green infrastructure strategy review – consultation. Cllr Coe to complete questionnaire and return it. |
155 | Questions from Councillors·1 Bollards on kerb at Rook House, Church Lane, Stibbington. Cllr Gatheral to speak to owners as when a vehicle is parked on the side of the road it is difficult and dangerous for another vehicle to pass.
·2 State of footpath along side A1 following hedge cutting. Clerk to request it is cleared as dangerous. Clerk to contact CCC Highways and Cllr Maguire |
156 | Crime Report – thefts of domestic fuel oils. Notice received from PCSO B Chamberlain. Also noticed in the area a white pick up truck offering gravel for sale – be aware as not sure about the legitimacy of this business. |
157 | Any Other Matters (Information/Questions Only – No Decisions)·1 Date of meeting in May will have to be moved depending on the date of the next General Election.
·2 Litter pick in Wansford advertised in Living Villages due to take place on 28/3/10 – not clear whether it includes New Lane and Stibbington. Cllr Coe will contact the organiser. Cllr Turner will attend. |
158 | Date of Next Meeting |
Annual Parish Meeting Thursday, 15th April 2010 at 7.30pm at the Christie Hall, Elton Road, Wansford. | |
15 April 2010
Annual Parish Meeting
Chairman’s Annual Report – 2009/10
The Council has met thirteen times over the past year. The meetings consisted of one Annual General Meeting, one Annual Parish Meeting, followed by seven regular business meetings and four extra planning meetings.
The regular business meetings are now held monthly and have been used to discuss finance, crime prevention, councillors’ responsibilities, highways, speeding, sundry issues and the Model Code of Conduct by which we have to abide.
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at the Environment Centre, Stibbington, with the exception of any meeting held at The Christie Hall, when they will be conducted on the first Thursday of the month. Dates of meetings are published on the notice boards and in ‘Living Villages’ magazine as well as on the website.
This continues to be buoyant due to the increase in precept which was requested and granted again last year. As a result of prudence, we have now got a healthy balance in the event of unexpected expenses. It is intended to erect two new notice boards and to look at the street lighting provision over the next financial year.
Councillors’ Responsibilities
Everyone has taken on a task including that of Chairman, finance, footpaths, street lights, road safety, crime prevention, Christie Hall care and other sundry jobs. We have all been contactable throughout the year when members of the public have issues they wish to raise.
There have been four planning meetings, in addition to the scheduled monthly meetings, where twenty one planning applications have been considered. These have ranged from the erection of small conservatories to complex building issues. We have taken the issue of planning very seriously and kept strictly to procedures to comply with the Code of Conduct. This has meant that we have not looked at or discussed any application until it has been officially presented to HDC.
Quality Council Status
The Council is still working on this and now have most of the criteria in place and intend to complete this year.
Parish Plan
Again this is one of the more pressing issues requiring attention in the coming year which unfortunately has not yet been started. However the parish council would welcome as much help as possible from local residents.
Again I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all of the council to thank Sue Kudlinski for all her hard work and unstinting support over the past year, without her this Council could not work – THANK YOU.
County Council
I would also like to thank District and County Councillor Mac McGuire for his continuing help and advice.
Stibbington Centre
In addition my thanks also go to Stibbington Centre where majority of the meetings are held. The staff at the centre are always accommodating and the use of the ‘old school’ is much appreciated and easily accessible to all.
Fellow Councillors
Last of all my fellow councillors, I thank you for all your support, thoughts and debate during the year. Everyone has given up much free time to serve the Council and I am sure that the Parishioners appreciate this.
Unfortunately Jenny White and Jimmy Roberts are no longer standing as parish councillors and I thank them very much for their contribution to the council.
Thank you on behalf of everyone.
Peter Gatheral
Sibson cum Stibbington Parish Council
The meeting of the Annual Parish Council was held at The Christie Hall, Elton Road, Wansford on Thursday, 15th April 2010 at 7.30pm.
Councillor P Gatheral | Councillor I Turner | |
Councillor A Coe | Councillor M Beuttell | |
Councillor M Bradshaw | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk) |
Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm
One local resident was present
The Chairman, Cllr Gatheral opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.
Business Discussed
Apologies for Absence – Cllr J White due to work commitments
Report from Chair of Parish Council – The Chairman gave a report of the activities of the parish council over the last year which included the following:
· Planning applications
· Crime
· Finance
· Councillors’ responsibilities
· Thanks to the clerk and members of the council
A copy of his report can be obtained from the clerk.
3 The Draft accounts for 2008-9 were circulated. Clerk discussed the accounts. It was noted that monies had been put aside with replacement of some street lights in mind. This was becoming increasingly likely as BT now do not allow the telegraph poles to be shared with other services, which means that any of the councils lights will have to be replaced if the BT pole has to be replaced. This has already happened with one light which the parish council then had to pay to have it removed. Monies have also been set aside to pay for the new notice boards which will be installed once all the necessary planning permission has been granted.
4 Questions. The chair Cllr Gatheral then asked the public if they wished to raise any questions.
Q. What was happening regarding the street light that had been removed on Elton Road?
A. Please see above. In addition the clerk is trying to get all of the street lights surveyed so that if necessary any replacements can be done together as well as more efficient lighting installed.
5 Any Other Matters
Neighbourhood Forum meeting 19/4/10 – Cllr Coe unable to attend, Cllr Beuttell to attend if possible as representatives from the planning enforcement team are due to attend the meeting as well. As the council had recently raised concern over some planning enforcement issues it was felt that the parish council ought to be represented.
6 Conclusion of Annual Parish Meeting.
Cllr Gatheral closed thanked everyone for attending the Annual Parish Meeting and then closed the meeting.
Further meeting to consider the following:
159 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda.No one declared any interest in the business listed below. |
160 | Notice of Appointment of Date For The Exercise of Electors Rights Council to agree that subject to the Annual Statement of Governance being approved by Council (See item 161) this notice to be posted on Thursday, 15th April, with accounts (2009/10) being made available between 29th April 2009 and 28th May 2010 (20 working days) 4pm – 8pm, by appointment with the Clerk, at a venue to be agreed, with a councillor in attendance. Submission will then be made to the External Auditors by the 1st June 2010.
All present agreed these arrangements to be in order. |
161 | Annual Return – Annual Governance Statement Following approval of accounts & associated documents & the satisfactory internal audit, that the parish council approve the annual governance statement (section 2) of the Annual Return for the year ending 31st March 2010 and instruct the Chairman & Clerk (RFO) to sign the Annual Return on behalf of the Council.
All present approved the annual governance statement on the Annual Return for year ending 31/3/10. |
162 | Planning |
162.1. | New Applications These will be on view to the public from 7.30pm |
162.1.1 |
Reference 1000265FUL – erection of an ornamental garden wall at Stibbington Manor, Church Lane, Stibbington Recommend approval as the proposal is in keeping with the existing property and does not affect the street scene. |
162.1.2 | Reference 1000367REP – alterations and extensions to form ancillary living accommodation (replacement of planning application 0603026FUL) on land to rear of 2 and 4 Elton Road Wansford.Recommend approval as the proposal is the same as the original application which was approved. |
163 | Date of next meeting – Annual General Meeting – Wednesday 12th May 2010 at the Environment Centre Stibbington.. |
May 2010
The Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 12th May 2010 at 7.30pm.
Councillor A Coe | Councillor P Styles | |
Councillor I Turner | Councillor N Cook | |
Councillor M Beuttell | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk) |
Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm
1 member of the public was present
District and County Councillor N Guyatt was present
The clerk, Mrs S Kudlinski opened the meeting, at 7.30pm and asked for nominations for chair.
Business Discussed
1 | (Annual) Election of Chairman – Cllr P Gatheral nominated by Cllr A Coe and seconded by Cllr I Turner.* |
2 | Declaration of Acceptance of Office |
2.1 | – From Chairman – to be signed in presence of clerk before next meeting |
2.2 | – From ALL Members – all present signed their declaration in the presence of the clerk |
2.3 | To co–opt a parish councillor – Mr M Bradshaw has agreed to be co-opted should the parish council wish. Nominated by Cllr I Turner and seconded by Cllr M Beuttell |
3 | Election of Other Officers/Representatives |
*3.1 | Vice Chairperson – in the absence of Cllr P Gatheral nominations were requested for this position. Cllr A Coe nominated by Cllr I Turner and seconded by Cllr M Beuttell.*This item came directly after item 1 on the agenda and was then followed by the declaration of acceptance of office. |
3.2 | Street Lights Representative – Cllr I Turner |
3.3 |
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Association of Local Councils Representative – Cllr P Styles |
3.4 | Christie Hall Management Committee Representative – Cllr M Bradshaw |
3.5 | Tree Warden – clerk to check to see if Mrs M Marleau happy to continue to assist along with Cllr I Turner. Mrs Marleau happy to continue. |
3.6 | Parochial Church Council Representative – Cllr A Coe |
3.8 | Parish Footpaths and Bridleways Representative – Cllr I Turner and Mrs M Marleau |
3.9 | Police Liaison Representative – Cllr M Beuttell |
3.10 | Road Safety Representative – Cllr N Cook |
3.11 | Planning and Development and Land Issues Representative(s) – all parish councillors |
3.12 | Parish Maintenance Representative – Cllr A Coe |
3.13 | Finance Representative – Cllr M Beuttell |
3.14 | Health and Safety Representative – Cllr M Bradshaw |
3.15 | Line Manager for Clerk – Cllr P Gatheral |
3.16 | Thornhaugh Development Action Group – Cllrs P Gatheral and M Bradshaw |
3.17 | Any Other Representations–3 Sibson Airfield – Cllr A Coe
–4 Great Haddon Action Group – Cllrs P Gatheral and A Coe |
4 | Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absenceCllr P Gatheral – family holiday
Cllr M Bradshaw – work commitments |
5 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – personal and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda.No one had anything to declare. Procedure for declaring an interest briefly explained to the 2 new councillors. Clerk to email a copy of the details. |
6 | Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes.See item 14.1. regarding state of road Elton Road Wansford. Clerk had been in touch with CCC Highways who have agreed to temporarily fill the largest potholes and then they will at a later date recover the affected area. |
7 | Minutes of Previous Meetings |
7.1 | Approval of Minutes of Meeting 3rd March 2010 – all present agreed the minutes to be a true record of the meeting. |
7.2 | Review of Actions from Meeting 3rd March 2009 Any necessary actions included as separate items on this agenda |
8 | Review Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 15th April 2010 – the minutes of the meeting held after the conclusion of the Parish Meeting were agreed to be a true record by all present. |
9 | Review of Subscriptions |
9.1 | Cambs and Peterborough Association of Local Councils – £135.83. All present agreed to continue this subscription. |
9.2 | Cambridgeshire ACRE – £25. All present agreed to continue this subscription. |
10 | Business Expressly Required by Statute |
10.1 | Review Council Insurance – This was carried out in September 2009 and a 3 year agreement taken up in order to keep costs down. However in the light of new acquisitions this would be reviewed as new asset were acquired. Ie telephone kiosks and new noticeboards. |
10.2 | Review Standing Orders including Complaints Procedure – this are to reviewed at the meeting 2/6/10. |
10.3 | Review Financial Regulations – these are unchanged from previous year. All agreed. |
10.4 | Review Financial Risk Assessment – clerk to email a copy to Cllr M Beuttell to check. Review at next meeting. |
10.5 | Review Risk Assessments – clerk to ask Cllr M Bradshaw to review these ready for meeting in July. |
10.6 | Review Clerk’s Terms and Conditions – Cllr P Gatheral |
10.6.1 | Job Description as Clerk – these are unchanged from previous year. All agreed. |
10.6.2 | Job Description as RFO – these are unchanged from previous year. All agreed. |
10.6.3 | Confirmation of Scale of Pay 2010/11 to be SCP 18 this is unchanged from previous year. To be reviewed again once CiLCA qualification gained. |
10.6.4 | Expenses – at present no councillors claims expenses. |
10.7 | Review Internal Auditor ServicesTo consider retaining the services of an Internal Auditor for this Parish Council and the frequency of his checks, currently once a year. Mr Russell has agreed to act as independent internal auditor this year but he does not wish to continue once he has finished this year’s accounts.
Clerk to contact clerk for Wansford and Elton Parish Councils to see if there is a possibility of approaching the same person that they use. If any councillor of anyone else that could act as an independent internal auditor let the clerk know. |
10.8 | Review Freedom of Information Publication Scheme – this was reviewed in 2009 by Cllr A Coe. |
10.9 | Approve Updated Asset Register That the council approve the Asset Register as complete and accurate. All present agreed that the asset register was a true record of the assets owned by the parish council at that time. As new assets acquired they will be added to the asset register. |
1111.1 | Financial AccountsAccounts @ 30th April 2010 community account £6311.88
Business Saver account £18131.57
12 | To Authorise the Following Orders for Payment : Cllr A Coe |
12.1 | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk’s Salary for April 2010 £157.99less £31.60 tax)
£126.39 |
12.2 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk deducted from Clerk’s salary)
£31.60 |
12.3 | CPALC Invoice annual subscription
£135.83 |
12.4 | Stationery
£22.25 |
12.5 | The Christie Hall – hire of hall for 2 meetings
£32.00 |
Total £348.07 All present agreed that the above payments were in order. |
13 | Planning |
13.1 | Planning correspondence |
13.1.1 | Current enforcement cases18 Elton Road Wansford – PVC windows, action ongoing.
5 Church Lane Stibbington – action still ongoing 1 Chapel Court Wansford – case now closed 22 Elton Road Wansford – to be reviewed mid April |
13.1.2 | CCC introduction of electronic consultation – planning applications electronically. Discuss viability.All agreed that this was acceptable. |
13.1.3 | Permitted development – notice boards for parish. Update. Permission given by Hunts DC and CCC. Letter sent to owners of Yew Tree Cottage. Owners have requested more information. Clerk to send further letter stating size. |
13.1.4 | Planning enforcement matters – letter received from Head of Planning Services. Councillors felt that more training was necessary for planning matters. Clerk to contact Head of Planning Services and request he does attend a meeting as suggested in his letter. Clerk to write to give possible dates. |
14 | Correspondence from residents |
14.1 | Letter received regarding date of meetings and state of road surface Elton Road Wansford. See public forum above. Item 6 |
15 | Correspondence |
15.1 | CCC – Countryside access and public rights of way. Courses available. Clerk to forward these to Cycle West Project as they may be interested. |
15.2 | PCC – Peterborough core strategy development plan document – submission to Secretary of State. Documents available on CD. Cllr P Styles to review and report back at next meeting. |
15.3 | PCC – site allocations development plan document – preferred options public consultation. CD available.Cllr P Styles to review and report back at next meeting. |
15.4 | Hunts DC – cultural diversity event 15/5/10. Leaflets available. Information only |
15.5 | Big Lottery Fund – extra funding for parish councils. Clerk to find out more with replacing street lights a possibility. |
15.6 | CPALC – membership news. Information only |
15.7 | Augean PLC – community newsletter. Information only |
16 | Email regarding possible location of salt bins. Clerk to find previous correspondence to check who is then responsible for spreading the salt and replacing it. |
17 | Speedwatch – training is available for training residents to use speed recording equipment. At least 4 people have expressed an interest in doing this. Cllr P Gatheral to report back to Wansford PC. |
18 | Standing Orders for Local Councils – new reference book received. See item 10.2 above. |
19 | Questions from Councillors·1 To discuss placing litter bins at Stibbington Diner. Discussion regarding siting of possible bins and who would be responsible for them, how often they would be emptied. It was felt that the problem was with the lorries that park on the road rather than those parking in the Diner. PCSO B Chamberlain can be contacted when necessary. Owner of Diner still wants to change the access arrangements to the parking area, but this awaits a planning application. |
20 | Reports |
20.1 | Crime Report – report received from PCSO B Chamberlain and discussed |
21 | Proposals and Resolutions |
21.1 | Banking ArrangementsThat the following Councillors remain bank signatories on both Barclays accounts.
·1 Mr Peter Gatheral ·2 Mr Mike Bradshaw ·3 Ms M Beuttell All present agreed these should remain the same. |
22 | Date of Next Meeting |
Wednesday, 2nd June 2009 at The Environment Centre, Stibbington at 7.30pm |
June 2010
The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 2nd June 2010 at 7.30pm.
Councillor P Gatheral | Councillor P Styles | |
Councillor A Coe | Councillor I Turner | |
Councillor N Cook | Councillor M Beuttell | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk) |
Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm
District and County Councillor N Guyatt attended the meeting.
1 local resident attended the meeting
The Chairman, Cllr Gatheral opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.
Business Discussed
23 | Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absenceCllr M Bradshaw, family holiday. |
24 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – personal and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda.No one had and interests to declare. |
25 | Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutesThe local resident reported that the potholes on Elton Rd had been filled temporarily. Situation better than before. Clerk to check when the area is to be resurfaced. |
26 | Approve Minutes of Meeting – 12th May 2010All present agreed that the minutes were a true record of the meeting. |
27 | Review Actions from Meeting – all items to be reviewed included on this agenda as separate items. |
2828.1 | FinanceAccounts @ 31st May 2010 Community account £5963.81
Business premium account £18131.57 |
28.2 | To Receive ‘Budget Vs Spent’ Report Clerk to email budget to all councillors. |
29 | To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral): |
29.1 | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk’s Salary for May 2010 £143.05 less £28.61 tax )
£114.44 |
29.2 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk)
£28.61 |
£143.05 All present agreed these payments to be in order. |
30 |
Review financial risk assessment Cllr M Beuttell to review. This item to be included on next meeting’s agenda. |
31 | Review Standing Orders Cllr Coe had reviewed the new Standing Orders and reported that the parish council was compliant with them. |
32 | PCC – Peterborough core strategy development plan document– submission to Secretary of State. Documents available on CD.Cllr P Styles reviewed both CDs relating to items 32 and 33.
Discussion regarding the Great Haddon project and any local implications. I.e. effect on A1. |
33 | PCC – site allocations development plan document – preferred options public consultation. CD available.Cllr P Styles to review – see item 32. |
34 | Notice boards update – Cllr P Gatheral visited the owners of Yew Tree Cottage who requested that the notice board would be better sited closer to the bin and existing sign which would make it closer to the Paper Mills. Clerk to write a courtesy letter to the Paper Mills. |
35 | Correspondence |
35.1 | Correspondence requiring Council’s Attention |
35.1.1 | Cambridgeshire Acre – new products and services. Information only. |
35.1.2 | To consider sources of extra funding – ·1 CCC jointly funded minor improvement schemes 2011/12 bidding round.
·2 Big lottery fund ·3 COMMA fund 2010 – 2011 ·4 Cambridgeshire community foundation Discussion regarding any of these schemes could be approached to help fund new street lights to replace those currently on BT poles. Clerk to request catalogues for examples of design etc. |
To discuss Adopt a Kiosk scheme now completed·1 Uses of kiosks – clerk to put a notice in ‘Living Villages’ asking for suggestions.
·2 Asset register value – further to Cllr Turner’s investigation possible replacement value of £2000 agreed. Clerk to make enquiries regarding insurance and make sure that the parish council is covered for public liability in respect of the kiosks. Both Kiosks need painting. Quotes to be obtained. |
35.1.4 | Hunts DC – SHLAA update – site assessments for rural exceptions housing smaller settlements – public consultation – documents available to view and comment on before 11/5/10. See link on disk.
Number of sites being considered but none near to this parish. The parish council can nominate a site locally if it considers there is a need i.e. for low cost, affordable housing. |
35.1.5 | Northants CC – minerals and waste development framework, core strategy development plan document Cllr Cook agreed to review any correspondence regarding this. |
36 | Other Correspondence |
36.1 | Local Trading Standards – consultation until 30/6/10 see link on disk. After discussion it was agreed that this had no particular significance to the parish council. |
36.2 | North West Huntingdon Neighbourhood Forum meeting – -36 28 July 2010 7pm at Folksworth Village Hall
-37 Minutes from last meeting 19/4/10. For information. Cllr Coe to attend if possible. |
36.3 | Hunts DC – leader or mayor – the choice for Huntingdonshire – comments invited. Discussion regarding an elected leader or mayor for Hunts DC.Clerk to send letter stating the parish council supports an elected leader. |
36.4 | CPALC – training courses availability.Cllrs Gatheral and Coe interested in attending a chairman’s course.
Clerk to check with Wansford and Elton parish council to see if they would consider training locally for new parish councillors and therefore share the cost. |
37 | Questions from Councillors-36 Frequency of meetings – after the July meeting it was decided to revert to meetings every other month. All present agreed. Therefore the next meeting to be held in September.
-37 Sharing the work load -38 Retirement gift for independent internal auditor. All agreed that John Lewis gift vouchers should be purchased and sent to Mr Russell along with a letter of thanks. |
38 | Reports |
38.1 | Crime Report – report received from PCSO Chamberlain and distributed to all present.Following interest expressed in training for ‘Speedwatch’, clerk to let PCSO Chamberlain know that 8 people are interested. |
39 | Any Other Matters (Information/Questions Only – No Decisions)·1 It was reported that a hedge had been cut down outside a bungalow for sale. Hedge not owned by people in the bungalow. Owners of land aware and have been in contact with the house owners.
·2 Discussion re speed limit along Elton Rd. |
40 | Date of Next Meeting |
Thursday, 2nd September 2010 at 7.30pm at the Environment Centre, Stibbington | |
July 2010
The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 7th July 2010 at 7.30pm.
Councillor P Gatheral | Councillor P Styles | |
Councillor A Coe | Councillor I Turner | |
Councillor N Cook | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk) |
Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm
5 members of the public attended the meeting.
The Chairman, Cllr Gatheral opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.
Business Discussed
41 | Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absenceCllr M Beuttell – work commitments
Cllr M Bradshaw – work commitments |
42 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda.None declared. | |
43 | Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes·1 Elton Road now resurfaced but no white lines painted yet. Clerk to check.
·2 Chippings signs still in place along Elton Road several weeks after work completed. Clerk to contact Highways to ask that they are removed. ·3 Large HGV using Elton Road and turning into New Lane. PCSO Chamberlain requests that residents record the name of the company, registration details and time and date of incident and then let him know the details. ·4 Recent accident at A47/A1 junction caused a lot of traffic to use the bridge to and from Wansford again. All resources went to help with accident and the traffic not controlled. There is a meeting in Helpston on 11/8/10 at 7pm where Highways issues will be discussed. Clerk to contact Wansford PC to check they are aware. ·5 Removal of street light on Elton Road – this is still being researched. |
44 | Approve Minutes of Meeting – 2nd June 2010Other than date of next meeting should read 7/7/10 not 2/9/10 all present agreed that the minutes were a true record of the meeting. (next meeting date altered on minutes). | |
45 | Review Actions from Meeting – 2nd June 2010Any action included on this agenda as separate items. | |
4646.1 | FinanceAccounts @ 30th June 2010 Community account £5820.76
Business premium account £18131.57 |
46.2 | To Receive ‘Budget Vs Spent’ Report – available on the evening. | |
47 | To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral): | |
47.1 | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk’s Salary for June 2010 £89.67 less £17.93 tax )
£71.74 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972 |
47.2 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk)
£17.93 |
S111 Local Government Act 1972 |
£89.67 All present agreed the above payments to be in order. |
48 | Planning – to consider the following planning applications. | |
48.1 | New Applications These will be on view to the public from 7.30pm | Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Sched 1 Para 8 |
48.1.1 | Application 1000812FULSingle storey rear extension and first floor rear extension – 32 London Road, Wansford. Mr R J Thompson.
Recommend approval because the proposal is not detrimental to the current village street scene. |
48.1.2 | Application 1000852LBCSingle storey rear extension and first floor rear extension – 32 London Road, Wansford. Mr R J Thompson.
Recommend approval because the proposal is not detrimental to the current village street scene. |
48.1.3 | Application 1001033S73Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 0501293FUL to continue to use and retain buildings for a further 5 years. Sibson Airfield, Wansford Road, Sibson. Mr R Kimbell.
Recommend approval as it is a variation of condition 1 of planning permission 0501293FUL. |
49 |
Notice boards – update. Nothing further received from owners of Yew Tree Cottage. CCC permissions all now received. Clerk to check with AWA to see if any pipe work below pavement. | |
50 |
Correspondence | |
50.1 |
Correspondence from local residents | |
50.1.1 |
The Royal British Legion – Christie Hall annual rent review 2011 – 2015.Question raised whether the RBL holds a current asbestos certificate for the Chrisitie Hall. Clerk to check.
Discussion regarding the rent review and implications for the parish council, including the other parish councils likely response. Clerk to reply to RBL. |
50.2 | Correspondence requiring Council’s Attention | |
50.2.1 | Hunts DC Planning Forums – 2 representatives invited for a meeting at Pathfinder House Huntingdon on 5/7/10 starting at 5.30pm. This information already emailed to councillors and request for anyone able to attend to let clerk know. No one available to attend. | |
50.2.2 | Hunts DC – proceeding with Gypsy and Traveller development plan document.Consultation period extended to 30 July 2010. Additional pubic exhibition Yaxley 15th July 14.00 to 20.00. Notes received as well as notification of extension to consultation.
Nothing likely to affect this parish in this development plan. |
50.3 | Other Correspondence. | |
50.3.1 | North West Hunts Neighbourhood forum – 28 July 2010, Folksworth village hall.Cllr Coe to attend meeting. Had already attended previous neighbourhood forum meetings. Minutes of April meeting discussed as Sibson cum Stibbington PC mentioned. Mr S Ingram to be invited to next meeting 2/9/10 to discuss planning issues. | |
50.3.2 | Hunts DC – budget proposals. Very little capital expenditure in foreseeable future due to budget constraints. | |
50.3.3 | Local Government Association – The Budget Briefing. Information only. | |
50.3.4 | Hunts DC tree warden training events. Information only. | |
50.3.5 | CCC – Highways–50 Network News www link
–51 Network management leaflets 1 to 6 Meeting in Helpston 7pm – Highways panel. Cllrs Turner and Gatheral to attend if possible. Clerk to draft a letter to Highways raising the following issues; HGV and speed limit along Elton Road, bridge in Wansford and re routing of traffic when there is a significant accident. Copy of letter to go to English Heritage and Wansford PC after clerk has circulated a draft for all councillors to comment/add to. |
50.3.6 | CCC – proposed changes for mobile library routes as part of savings needed. Information only. | |
50.3.7 | CCC – consultation regarding reduction in services for Connexions and Youth work provision. Information only. | |
50.3.8 | St Neots Museum – information received regarding workshops etc. Information only. | |
51 | Questions from Councillors·1 Parish plan – discussion regarding the involvement of Wansford PC as Wansford relies on the services provided within this parish. Buildings expert needed for advice. Good links with Wansford PC sought and Cllr Gatheral to make contact.
·2 Flooding of New Lane as it joins slip road for north bound carriageway of A1. Clerk to email Highways Agency again. ·3 Foot path from Roman Drive to Church Lane – overgrown hedge amking path very narrow. ·4 Hedge outside house for sale on Elton Road not yet replaced. ·5 Cllr Coe to meet representative from Atkins re A1 retaining wall at Gt North Rd Stibbington. ·6 Cambs Acre services booklet advertising independent internal auditor. Clerk to obtain an estimate. |
52 | Reports Cllr Cook reviewed the Northants CC – minerals and waste development framework, core strategy development plan document. He will now contact Thornhaugh and Yarwell PCs. Consultation ends on 22/7/10. | |
52.1 | Crime Report Report received from PCSO B Chamberlain. Information only. | |
53 | Any Other Matters (Information/Questions Only – No Decisions)·1 Letter received from Mr G Russell thanking the parish council for the gift he received.
·2 Planning meeting needed for planning application 1001001FUL – date 21/7/10 to meet at Stibbington church first at 7pm to conduct a site visit followed by a meeting at the Environment Centre, Stibbington at 7.10pm. Clerk to check with Hunts DC planning dept. regarding what applications and permissions have already been granted in this area. |
54 | Date of Next Meeting | |
Thursday, 2nd September 2010 at 7.30pm at the Christie Hall, Elton Road, Wansford. |
September 2010
The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Christie Hall, Elton Road, Wansford on Thursday, 2nd September 2010 at 7.30pm.
Councillor P Gatheral | Councillor P Styles | |
Councillor A Coe | Councillor I Turner | |
Councillor N Cook | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk) |
Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm
2 members of the public attended the meeting
The Chairman, Cllr Gatheral opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.
Business Discussed
61 | Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absenceCouncillor M Beuttell
Councillor M Bradshaw |
62 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda.All councillors declared a personal interest in item 68.1.1 | |||||
63 | Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes·1 Grass cutting at Stibbington church as stated on the budget was discussed. Clerk to amend the heading as it should read church grounds maintenance. Monies contributed by the parish council were for the maintenance of the church grounds as the church sees fit.
·2 The signs waning of grit/loose chippings on the road had now been removed. |
64 | Approve Minutes of Meeting – 7th July 201021st July 2010 – planning
All present agreed the above minutes to be a true record of the meetings. |
65 | Review Actions from Meeting. Any actions included on this agenda as separate items ·1 Discussion took place about this heading on the agenda. It was agreed that matters arising should be included on the agenda along with an extra column identifying who is responsible for a particular action | |||||
6666.1 | FinanceAccounts @ 31st August 2010 Community account £5631.09
Business premium account £18133.84 |
66.2 | To Receive ‘Budget Vs Spent’ Report – available at the meeting.Copy of budget and expenditure to date distributed at the meeting and discussed. All expenditure within budget. | SMK | ||||
67 | To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral): | |||||
67.1 | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk’s Salary for August 2010 £170.80 less £34.16 tax )
£136.64 |
67.2 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk)
£34.16 |
67.3 | Christie Hall management committee – for hire of hall
£16.00 |
67.4 | Moore Stephens (Annual Audit)
£165.68 |
£352.48 All present agreed the above payments were in order. |
68 | Planning | |||||
68.1 | New Applications These will be on view to the public from 7.30pm | |||||
Name | Address | Work Planned | Planning Ref | Recommendation | ||
68.1.1 | Mr and Mrs M Bradshaw | Castle AcreNew Lane Stibbington | Proposed orangery and opening formed | 1001311FUL | Recommend approval as there will not be any detrimental impact to the visual amenity this property affords. | |
68.2 |
Planning Application 1001001FUL – to discuss development control panel decision and other correspondence regarding this application.Development control panel approved this application. Discussion took place regarding this. The proposal would not be very visible from the river and not likely therefore to impact the visual amenity. The design is sympathetic to existing buildings. | |||||
69 |
Telephone Kiosks – to discuss future use.All present agreed that the kiosks were to be used as notice boards. Prices for making and installing lockable notice boards to be sought along with prices for painting both kiosks. Cllr Coe and the clerk to obtain quotes and to get the work started. | SMK and AC | ||||
70 |
Augean PLC – Cook’s Hole Quarry proposals and other Augean matters·2 Cook’s Hole Quarry exhibition 8/9/10. Cllr Coe to attend if possible
·3 Dumping of radio active waste – Kings Cliffe waste watchers information received. ·4 Parish Watch meeting 9/9/10. Cllr Gatheral to attend if possible |
PG |
71 |
Street lights – update and to discuss replacement/refurbishment.Cllr Coe had arranged for Mr T Hull from Hunts DC to survey all the street lights from ground level. Mr Hull concluded that at present none needed replacing but had labelled some of the lights as being in poor condition and would need assessing again soon.
Bracket that was removed along Elton Road last year discussed. Clerk to write to BT to see if there is the intention to replace the bracket. |
72 |
A1 retaining wall Great North Road Stibbington – update Contractors for Highways, Atkins, to keep Cllr Coe informed about any works to be undertaken. Atkins agreed that the retaining wall needed to made safe. There also some discussion about the height of the wall and the crash barrier on top of it. | |||||
73 |
Moore Stephens – annual audit closure of accounts. Clerk reported that the accounts were now closed and no queries had been raised by the external auditors about the accounts for year 2009 – 2010. | |||||
74 |
Christie Hall – to discuss rent review.Clerk to request a copy of the Christie Hall accounts
Discussion took place regarding the rent review and the implications with the other 2 parishes. Meeting to take place with the other 2 parishes. Cllr Styles to attend if possible. |
PS |
75 |
Living Villages – to discuss grant towards magazine. Council has given a grant of £120 on the past. Clerk to request accounts so that an amount can be determined. | SMK | ||||
76 |
Correspondence | |||||
76.1 | Correspondence requiring Council’s Attention | |||||
76.1.1 | Peterborough CC Minerals and Waste plan – submission of development plans to Secretary of State. DVD available.Cllr Cook to review this. He has already looked at the website and has concluded that there is nothing proposed close to this parish. | NC | ||||
76.1.2 | CCC small grants scheme – applications for 2011 – 2012No schemes in place that require a grant. | |||||
76.1.3 | CCC Highways – reply received regarding issues raised at last meeting. Reply considered unsatisfactory and a similar letter should be sent to PCC. | SMK | ||||
76.1.4 | Hunts DC traffic management area joint committee – programme delivery monitoring report.Information only as there was nothing affecting this parish. | |||||
76.1.5 | CCC third party funding of highway measures – network management leaflet no. 6Information only | |||||
76.1.6 | CCC environment services – winter service – gritting arrangements Information only | |||||
76.1.7 | CPALC questionnaire – clerk to check informationAfter checking information required clerk to complete questionnaire. | SMK | ||||
76.1.8 | CPALC – information re voluntary groups/organisationsInformation only | |||||
76.2 | Other Correspondence | |||||
76.2.1 | CCC – proposed changes for mobile library routes – The Green Stibbington 11.10am every 4th WednesdayInformation only | |||||
76.2.2 | CCC library service review – public consultation timetable Information only | |||||
76.2.3 | PCC core strategy development plan – suggested changes regarding provision for gypsies and travellers. Representations can be made until 15/9/10. More information available from clerk. Contains no changes that will have any further impact on this parish. | |||||
76.2.4 | Northants CC minerals and waste development framework – control and management of developmentCllr Cook to contact Wansford and Thornhaugh parishes to check what impact this may have. |
NC |
76.2.5 | Hunts DC parish planting 2010 – 2011. Information received regarding events and workshops.More information available from the clerk if required. | |||||
76.2.6 | Hunts DC – licensing act 2003 review. Copy of Act on disk. Information only | |||||
76.2.7 | Hunts DC balancing the budget. Start of consultation process. Information only | |||||
76.2.8 | CPALC – consultation document on council tax. | |||||
76.2.9 | Community right to build – information received. Discussion took place and concluded that there was no where available to build. | |||||
76.2.10 | Cambridgeshire Acre – AGM Tuesday 28th September 2010 | |||||
77 | Questions from Councillors·1 Great Haddon Project – this is still under review as the implications of the project are still being considered.
·2 Tree preservation orders – l ·3 Format of agendas and minutes – see item 65 above ·4 White lines along Elton Road – clerk to contact Highways again to get the line reinstated. ·5 Flooding on slip road to A1 north bound – clerk to check what action is being taken after reporting it previously. ·6 Parish plan – Cllr Gatheral has met the chair of Wansford PC who agrees that the 2 parishes should be treated as one parish when a parish plan is being drawn up. Clerk to contact Cambs Acre to arrange for Sarah Johnson to attend a meeting in the parish to discuss the way forward and also to check whether they cover PCC as well. Wansford does already have a village statement. |
78 | Reports | |||||
78.1 | Crime Report Report received from PCSO Chamberlain and distributed at the meeting. | |||||
79 | Any Other Matters (Information/Questions Only – No Decisions)·1 NHS strategic projects news update. Information only
·2 NHS Hinchingbrooke Health Care AGM 30th September 2010. Information only ·3 Neighbourhood Panel meeting in Helpston – it was agreed at the meeting that better signage would be looked at for Wansford bridge and also that there would be a priority to monitor traffic over Wansford Bridge. Clerk to report this in ‘Living Villages’ |
80 | Date of Next Meeting | |||||
Wednesday, 3rd November 2010 at 7.30pm at the Environment Centre, Stibbington. |
November 2010
The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010 at 7.30pm.
Councillor A Coe | Councillor I Turner | |
Councillor M Bradshaw | Councillor M Beuttell | |
Councillor P Styles | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk) |
Councillors were in attendance from 7.30pm
Ms Sarah Johnston from Cambridgeshire Acre attended the meeting
5 Members of the public were present
The Vice Chairman, Cllr Coe opened the meeting, at 7.30pm.
Business Discussed
81 | Apologies for Absence – to receive and accept apologies for absenceCouncillor P Gatheral – illness
Councillor N Cook – holiday |
82 | Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted – to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda.None declared. | |||||
83 | Presentation from Cambridgeshire Acre – Sarah Johnston – Parish PlansMs Johnston gave an overview of what a Parish Plan means and how a Parish Plan is formed. She stressed that residents of the parish need to be involved and the views of everyone taken into consideration. Several copies of Parish Plans were available to look at as well as notes.
It was agreed that Parish Plans form an agenda item for the meeting in January at which a date should be set for a public meeting. |
84 | Public Forum – to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes.·1 Regular road sweeping along Elton Road was discussed. Clerk to check frequency.
·2 Funding from the Landfill Trust discussed. As the parish council does have funds at present it was not appropriate to get funding from elsewhere as there are no special on going projects. These sources of extra monies have been discussed with representatives of Stibbington church. |
85 | Approve Minutes of Meeting – 2nd September 2010.Al present agreed the minutes to be a true record of the meeting. | |||||
86 | Review Actions from Meeting ·1 Parish plan – Cambridgeshire Acre see 83 above.
·2 Flooding on slip road to A1 north bound – Clerk to check again to see what action if any is being taken. ·3 White lines along Elton Road – clerk had received email stating work will be carried out, but has not been done to date. ·4 Peterborough CC Minerals and Waste plan – see 91.1 below ·5 Street lights – clerk to contact BT again to try to locate the bracket that was removed by their contractor. ·6 Augean PLC – Cook’s Hole Quarry proposals. Cllr Coe did attend the recent meeting and stated that there may be a small rise in the amount of traffic locally. ·7 Parish Watch meeting 9/9/10. Cllr Gatheral attended this meeting and will report back at the January meeting |
PG |
8787.1 | FinanceAccounts @ 31st October 2010 Community account
£10784.51 Business premium account
£18136.10 |
87.2 | To Receive ‘Budget Vs Spent’ Report – available at the meeting. Discussion took place regarding any other items that should be budgeted for, for 2011/2012 | |||||
87.3 | Precept 2011 – 2012 All present agreed that the precept is set at £11000, the same as last year. | |||||
87.4 | Stibbington Church – grant towards maintenance of church grounds.Discussion took place and all present agreed that the grant should be £600. | |||||
87.5 | Living Villages – grant towards running costs of village magazine.Discussion took place and all present agreed that the grant should be £120. | |||||
87.6 | Cambridgeshire Acre – annual subscription. Discussion took place and all present agreed that the subscription of £25 should be paid. | |||||
88 | To Authorise the following Orders for Payment (Cllr Gatheral): | |||||
88.1 | Mrs S Kudlinski (Clerk’s Salary for October 2010 £130.24 less £26.05 tax )
£104.19 |
88.2 | Mrs S Kudlinski(Office Expenses)
£4.92 |
88.3 | Inland Revenue (Tax for the Clerk)
£26.05 |
88.4 | Noticeboards and painting of telephone kiosks
£720.00 The final bill has not been received although work has started. More work involved than originally quoted for. All present agreed that no more than £850 should be paid on presentation of the invoice. |
88.5 | Stibbington Church Grant
£600.00 |
88.6 | Living Villages
£120.00 |
88.7 | Cambridgeshire Acre
£25.00 |
£1600.16 All present agreed the above payments to be in order. |
89 | Planning | |||||
89.1 | New Applications These will be on view to the public from 7.30pm | Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Sched 1 Para 8 | ||||
Name | Address | Work Planned | Planning Ref | Recommendation | ||
89.1.1 | JJ and J Hartley | 21 Gt North RoadStibbington | Erection of dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling | 1001565FUL | Recommend approval because the current building is derelict and the proposal will enhance the local area and is sympathetic to the surrounding properties. | |
89.2 |
Hunts DC – tree preservation order L/TPO/294 (2010) – on 29 Elton Road Wansford. Parish council pleased to see that a TPO has been made and makes no further comment. | |||||
89.3 89.3.1
89.3.2 |
Current enforcement casesClosed cases –
·1 5 Church Lane Stibbington ·2 1 Chapel Court Wansford ·3 A1 service station ·4 16 London Rd Wansford ·5 21 Church Lane Stibbington Open Cases ·1 18 Elton Road Wansford The above enforcement cases were discussed and the action noted. |
89.4 |
East Northants Council – scoping opinion for a forest holiday development with leisure, retail and tourism facilities including accommodation at Rockingham Park Wansford Road Kings Cliffe.Likely effect on this parish if the proposal goes ahead is an increase in traffic. However this will need to be considered as part of the planning process. No action necessary at present. | |||||
Correspondence | ||||| | Correspondence from Residents of the ParishLetter received regarding overhanging trees on Great North Road Stibbington.
Cllr Coe to call to see residents and explain what action is to be taken. Clerk to contact Highways to see who is responsible for what. |
ACSMK | ||||
90.2.2 90.2.3 90.2.4 90.2.5 90.2.6 90.2.7 90.2.8 90.2.9 |
Correspondence requiring Council’s AttentionHunts DC – Cambridgeshire Together – changing political landscape and the role of local public services. Information only.
Hunts DC – Licensing of sex establishments. Information only. Hunts DC – gritting services and other myth busters. Information only. Hunts DC – conservation areas and listed buildings questionnaire CPALC – big society survey. Online response required. CCC – flood survey. Online response required PCC – 3rd Peterborough Local Transport Plan Consultation. PCC and CCC – notice of the independent examination of Cambs and Pboro minerals and waste core strategy development plan document. Citizens Advice Bureau – request for funding. Also received a similar request from Victim Support. All present agreed that the parish council would not support these requests. |
90.3.2 90.3.3 90.3.4 90.3.5 90.3.6 90.3.7 90.3.8 90.3.9 90.3.10 |
Other CorrespondenceHunts DC – code of conduct questions. Information only.
NALC – code of practice on local authority publicity. Information only. NALC report of the chief executive. Information only. CPALC – Corrupt councillors will go to court document. Information only. CPALC – AGM 13th November 2010 – papers available. No one able to attend. CCC – local access – Web Walks. Information to go into ‘Living Villages’. Opening all the Gates – talks/seminars. Information only. Cambs Acre – Switchover Help Scheme. Volunteers needed for this scheme. National Census. Information only. The census will take place 27th March 2011. CCC – integrated youth support services – report on consultation. Information only. |
91.2 91.3 |
Questions from Councillors·2 Christie Hall rent review. Discussion took place. Cllrs Styles and Bradshaw to contact representatives from Wansford PC for further discussion.
·3 Fireworks. Discussion regarding collective social responsibility. Notice to be placed on new notice boards. ·4 Proceeds from local events not benefitting all local churches. It had been noted that events locally had financially benefitted 2 local churches locally but not all of them. Cllr Coe to speak to church warden of Stibbington church. |
AC |
91.2 |
Reports ·1 Peterborough CC Minerals and Waste Plan – report received from Cllr N Cook.
·2 Notice boards and telephone kiosks update – Cllr A Coe. The contractor had found that more work was necessary than quaoted for. All present agreed that no more than £850 would be paid when final invoice presented. |
92 | Crime Report | |||||
93 | Letter from clerk – available at the meeting.Clerk resigned from post of clerk. To take place after January meeting or before if another clerk is appointed. Clerk to place advert in Stamford Mercury and Living Villages after determining costs. Clerk to liaise with Cllr Gatheral. | SMK | ||||
94 | Any Other Matters (Information/Questions Only – No Decisions)·1 HGVs still using Wansford bridge
·2 Frequency of meetings to be discussed and decided at meeting in January. Clerk to put on agenda. Correspondence received – how should this be distributed and when? |
95 | Date of Next Meeting | |||||
Wednesday, 5th January 2011 at 7.30pm at the Environment Centre, Stibbington | ||||||