Minutes 2nd November 2011 (Click here to download as a Word document)
The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 2nd November 2011 at7.30pm.
Councillor M Beuttell | Councillor P Styles | Councillor I Turner |
Councillor M Bradshaw | Councillor N Cook | Wendy Gray, Parish Clerk |
- Councillors were in attendance from7.30pm
- 4 members of the public were present
Business Discussed
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Opening of Meeting: The Chairman, Cllr Beuttell declared the meeting open at 7.30pm.
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Apologies for Absence: to receive and accept apologies for absence – Cllr D Wright who was ill.
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Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted: to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda – None.
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Public Forum: to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes – What is happening with website – agenda item to be discussed later in meeting.
Does anyone know what is happening with garage other side of the A1.
Little track behind row of houses where white lines were dotted – people are leaving cars across driveways and residents not able to get into their properties, several cars have been towed away by the Police (from Peterborough). Parish Clerk to contact HDC again.
Speedwatch – more volunteers required – article for living villages.
20 mph speed limit all through the village – speak with PCSO to see if can arrange, copy in Wansford PC.
Heavy vehicles on the bridge, report to PCSO, suggest make a note of registration numbers, also speak with English Heritage and article for living villages.
Haycock Hotel – security light pointing straight over the bridge – letter to be sent to ask if this can be altered.
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Minutes of Previous Meetings: Approval of Minutes of Meeting 7th September 2011 – the minutes of 7th September 2011 were agreed as correct.
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Review of Actions – any necessary actions included as separate items on this agenda – none.
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To Authorise the Following Orders for payment: |
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Wendy Gray (Clerk’s salary): £273.28 |
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Expenses (Clerk): £79.57 |
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MooreStephens, External Auditor: £198.08 |
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Cambridgeshire Acre, Membership Renewal: £25.00 All the above were approved for payment.
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Precept – 2012/2013: It was agreed that we would request the same precept as last year £11,000.
Amendments to be made to the budget as follows: £5,000 to be set aside for Parish Plan £5,000 for street lighting £250 for website
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Special Event: Request for funding from the Outside Edge Theatre Company, send response that there is nothing we can help with at this moment in time.
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Street Lighting: New Street Light: request received from resident re possibility of having a street light placed outside Christie Hall. Parish Clerk to speak/write to highways to ascertain is this is possible and whether planning permission will be required.
Cambridgeshire Parish Council Annual Street Lighting Maintenance Contract: this was signed off, signed copy to be returned to contractor.
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Vacancy for Parish Councillor: It was agreed that we would advertise the vacancy for a councillor in the usual places i.e. notice boards, village magazine as this was the proper way to do things.
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Footpath – Wansford/Stibbington – Erection of Gate and Fence: e-mail received from CCC. No more vehicles can go down path. Canoes will be allowed (carried). The fence will stay, an application will go in for planning re fence. Highways will decide where highway ends etc, problem now in the hands of CCC.
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Website: – Quotations received – it was agreed that we would go for the Bronze package. Parish Clerk to process application.
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Correspondence/Questions from residents: Speeding through village – see above.
Flight path of aeroplanes – concern expressed at flight path taken over village, Cllr Cook will speak with Sibson.
Bonfires – burning of leaves smouldering and smoke blowing into peoples houses. Check with HDC and ascertain the law and report in living villages be aware of your neighbours and direction of smoke etc.
Theft of Garden equipment – No record of this on PCSO’s report, reported to Peterborough Police station – Number for Yaxley Police station to be noted in village magazine for non emergency 03454 564564.
Parachutists – could we ask the question do they have enough insurance and training, landing in field near horses and scaring them. Cllr Cook will speak with Sibson.
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General Correspondence: HDC Parish Planting – No where for planting.
CPALC AGM – takes place on Saturday 3rd December 201l at Bluntisham Village Hall, Bluntisham PE28 3LR commencing at 10 a.m.
HDC Textile Recycling Banks and Paper Banks – pass information to Christie Hall
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Questions from Councillors: – None.
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Reports: – Report received and circulated from PCSO Barry Chamberlain.
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Date of Next Meeting: – Wednesday 11th January 2012