Minutes 8th June 2011 (Click here to download as a Word document)
The meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Environment Centre, Stibbington on Wednesday, 8th June 2011 at7.30pm.
Councillor M Bradshaw | Councillor P Styles | Cllr D Wright |
Councillor N Cook
Councillor M Beuttell |
Councillor I Turner
Mrs W Gray (Clerk) |
- Councillors were in attendance from7.30pm
- 1 member of the public was present
The Chairman, Cllr Beuttell opened the meeting, at7.30pm.
Business Discussed
1 |
Apologies for Absence: to receive and accept apologies for absence – none |
2 |
Declaration of Interest in Business to be Transacted: to receive declarations of interest – person and/or prejudicial and the nature of those interests relating to items on the agenda – Cllr Bradshaw item 11.1. |
3 |
Public Forum: to allow any member of the public to address the council. Time limited to 10 minutes – No dates published re meetings in Living Villages – Parish Clerk will supply full list of set meetings for next 12 months. Noticeboards – are the new noticeboards completed – Parish Clerk to check after meeting to see if all works carried out. |
4 |
Minutes of Previous Meetings: Approval of Minutes of Meeting 4th May 2011 – the minutes of 4th May 2011 were agreed as correct. Review of Actions from Meeting 4th May 2011 – any necessary actions included as separate items on this agenda |
5 |
Business Expressly Required by Statute: Copies e-mailed from last meeting to be discussed at July Meeting giving Councillors time to review – agenda item for 6th July meeting. |
6 |
To Approve Annual Accounts: To sign off annual accounts before submission to Moore Stephens – accounts were approved and signed. Internal Auditor had made comment that Risk Assessment needs to be reviewed, agenda item for meeting 6th July. |
7 |
To Review the Budget: To re look at the budget that has been agreed and amend where necessary – it was agreed that reviewing the budget will be a standard agenda item at each meeting. |
8 |
Street Lighting: Cllr Beuttell will collate all information for new street light to see what is available and report back to Councillors at next meeting. |
9 |
White Lining: Two residents had expressed concern about the whilte lines(1 telephone call/1 e-mail) that has recently been re-done. Cllr Beuttell will make call to highways with the concerns expressed by residents e-mail over areas that have been missed. |
10 |
To Authorise the Following Orders for Payment: |
10.1 |
Wendy Gray (clerk’s salary) – £136.64 less tax – approved. |
10.2 |
Paul Taylor – Internal Auditor – £70.00 – approved. |
11 |
Planning: |
11.1 |
1100705FUL – Erection of new extensions and erection of single garage at Headlands, Elton Road, StibbingtonPE8 6JX– no objections raised. |
11.2 |
1100766FUL – Two storey side extension, 33 Church Lane, StibbingtonPE8 6LP– no objections raised. |
11.3 |
1100535FUL – Erection of new dormers, minor infill/extension and creation of new access driveway at91 Elton Road,StibbingtonPE8 6JX– amended plans – no objections raised. |
11.4 |
1100831FUL – Proposed garage and store at Mont House, 21 Great North Road, StibbingtonPE8 6LR– no objections raised. |
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Correspondence from residents: e-mail re white lining. |
13 |
General Correspondence: Augean Leaflet – distributed to all councillors. |
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Questions from Councillors: Cllr Turner had obtained non emergency number for the Police which is 0345 4564564. |
15 |
Banking Arrangements: To set up new signatory(s) – Cllr Turner completed application form as new signatory – this now gives the Parish Council 3 signatories.
The meeting closed at 8.10 p.m. |
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Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 6th July 2011 |